释义 |
: not conducted in the manner of a gentleman : not noble or chivalrous ungentlemanly behavior I believed it ungentlemanly to inquire in advance what we were about to eat … Michael Kenyon as in boorish -
boorish -
uncouth -
loutish -
churlish -
vulgar -
crass -
clownish -
rude -
cloddish -
uncultured -
crude -
indelicate -
raffish -
gross -
coarse -
illiberal -
thoughtless -
lubberly -
unrefined -
lowbrow -
ill-bred -
unpolished -
tasteless -
inconsiderate -
oafish -
insensible -
uncultivated -
clumsy -
unsophisticated -
insensitive -
roughneck -
lumpish -
common -
inelegant -
rough -
uncivilized -
barbarous -
unmannerly -
barbaric -
graceless -
rugged -
incult -
countrified -
mannerless -
low -
tacky -
rustic -
unmannered -
lowbred -
provincial -
rough-hewn -
rustical -
countryfied -
animallike -
genteel -
civilized -
smooth -
aristocratic -
tasteful -
cultured -
polished -
elegant -
refined -
graceful -
courtly -
patrician -
well-bred -
cultivated -
restrained -
gracious -
sensitive -
ultrarefined -
thoughtful -
sophisticated -
considerate -
urbane -
citified See More |