释义 |
a : petty, mean ungenerous criticisms b : deficient in liberality : stingy an ungenerous offer as in selfish giving or sharing as little as possible it is ungenerous for someone of his ample means not to provide more for the care of his aging parents -
selfish -
careful -
uncharitable -
greedy -
miserly -
parsimonious -
penurious -
tightfisted -
stingy -
mingy -
cheap -
tight -
close -
chintzy -
niggard -
pinching -
mean -
desirous -
niggardly -
stinting -
pinchpenny -
economical -
sparing -
closefisted -
penny-pinching -
small -
spare -
avaricious -
covetous -
conserving -
mercenary -
chary -
hoggish -
economizing -
thrifty -
frugal -
acquisitive -
grudging -
resentful -
saving -
sordid -
envious -
shabby -
coveting -
begrudging -
skimping -
rapacious -
inhospitable -
grasping -
itchy -
avid -
scrimping -
generous -
charitable -
munificent -
liberal -
openhanded -
unsparing -
unselfish -
bounteous -
extravagant -
altruistic -
bountiful -
overgenerous -
selfless -
unstinting -
lavish -
handsome -
benevolent -
free -
magnanimous -
hospitable -
beneficent -
profuse -
philanthropic -
philanthropical -
freehanded -
humanitarian -
compassionate -
kindly -
wasteful -
unthrifty -
openhearted -
greathearted -
profligate -
prodigal -
spendthrift -
thriftless -
wasting -
good-hearted -
squandering -
dissipating -
frittering -
splurging See More |