

单词 trespassed


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tres·​pass ˈtre-ˌspas How to pronounce trespass (audio)
-spəs How to pronounce trespass (audio)
trespassed; trespassing; trespasses

intransitive verb

: to commit a trespass
especially : to enter unlawfully upon the land of another
: err, sin
: to make an unwarranted or uninvited incursion

transitive verb

: violate
trespass the bounds of good taste
trespasser noun


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tres·​pass ˈtre-spəs How to pronounce trespass (audio) -ˌspas How to pronounce trespass (audio)
: an unlawful act committed on the person, property, or rights of another
especially : a wrongful entry on real property
: the legal action for injuries resulting from trespass
: a violation of moral or social ethics : transgression
especially : sin
: an unwarranted infringement



  • err
  • fall
  • offend
  • sin
  • stray
  • transgress
  • wander


  • breach
  • crime
  • debt
  • error
  • lawbreaking
  • malefaction
  • misdeed
  • misdoing
  • offense
  • offence
  • sin
  • transgression
  • violation
  • wrongdoing
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Verb He told me I was trespassing. The sign said “No Trespassing.” Noun He was arrested for trespass. forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Recent Examples on the Web
In connection with this latest incident, Wealand was charged with grand theft, theft from a construction site, felony criminal mischief, and trespass on a construction site. Stephen Sorace, Fox News, 9 Aug. 2022 Rather than a prerogative of the privileged, intent on keeping the general public at bay, the right to privacy should have been understood from the start as a prerogative of the people, establishing a zone where the state cannot readily trespass. Jeannie Suk Gersen, The New Yorker, 20 June 2022 But since only the federal government has the power to enforce immigration law, Texas troopers and state guardsman can only make arrests if migrants trespass onto private property. Amanda Su, ABC News, 20 June 2022 The post urges people not to trespass near railways. Eve Sampson, Detroit Free Press, 7 June 2022 The papers must be delivered in a public setting (meaning the process server is not permitted to trespass on the recipient’s private property to hand off the docs). Christi Carrasstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 28 Apr. 2022 The woman had reportedly been advised previously to not trespass on the man’s property. Brian Lisik, cleveland, 24 Apr. 2022 They were advised not to trespass on the property, as well as to refrain from open burning. Thomas Jewell, cleveland, 14 Apr. 2022 As a Black woman in her 40’s, Newton was an unlikely choice for the role of Sandra, a college professor suffering a tragic loss who gets into a steadily escalating conflict with two hunters who trespass on her land. Essence, 3 Feb. 2022
Martin, who also has used the last names Hampton and Hayes, called the police to report that Coley-Pearson was disruptive, and the department issued a trespass warning barring her from the polls indefinitely. Annie Waldman, ProPublica, 12 Sep. 2022 She was cited for theft and given a trespass warning. cleveland, 1 Sep. 2022 Coleman was given a trespass warning for the property, and officers retrieved the 9 mm pistol and arrested him for not having a pistol permit. Carol Robinson | Crobinson@al.com, al, 25 Aug. 2022 He has since been moved to the Yavapai County Jail, where he will be booked on numerous counts of aggravated assault, second-degree burglary, first-degree criminal trespass, indecent exposure, voyeurism and disorderly conduct. Stephen Sorace, Fox News, 18 Aug. 2022 Officers found the younger woman and summonsed her for criminal trespass. cleveland, 12 Aug. 2022 In July, protesters marched to Cameron’s front lawn, and 87 people were arrested for criminal trespass, among other charges. Theresa Waldrop, CNN, 4 Aug. 2022 Eva Kirsch, 67, of the 5400 block of Woodland Avenue, was charged at 10:25 a.m. July 7 at her residence for criminal trespass to real property after a complaint by a neighbor. Hank Beckman, Chicago Tribune, 24 July 2022 Bomba is charged with assault and criminal trespass. Cameron Knight, The Enquirer, 9 Apr. 2019 See More

Word History



Middle English, from Anglo-French trespasser to overtake, exceed, wrong, from tres to a high degree (from Latin trans beyond) + passer to pass — more at through, pass


Middle English trespas, from Anglo-French, passage, overstepping, misdeed, from trespasser

First Known Use


14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 2a


13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2a

Kids Definition

trespass 1 of 2


tres·​pass ˈtres-pəs How to pronounce trespass (audio)
: unlawful entry upon someone's land
: sin entry 1, offense


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trespassed; trespassing
: to enter upon someone's land unlawfully
: to do wrong : sin

Legal Definition

trespass 1 of 2


tres·​pass ˈtres-pəs, -ˌpas How to pronounce trespass (audio)
: wrongful conduct causing harm to another: as
: a willful act or active negligence as distinguished from a mere omission of a duty that causes an injury to or invasion of the person, rights, or especially property of another
also : the common-law form of action for redress of injuries directly caused by such a wrongful act compare trespass on the case in this entry
: trespass quare clausum fregit in this entry
computer trespass
: the act of using or gaining access to a computer or computer network without authorization especially for the purpose of committing a crime or harming or removing programs, data, or hardware
continuing trespass
: a trespass that continues until the act (as of depriving another of his or her property without the intent to steal it) or instrumentality (as an object placed wrongfully on another's land) causing it is ended or removed
criminal trespass
: trespass to property that is forbidden by statute and punishable as a crime as distinguished from trespass that creates a cause of action for damages
trespass ab initio
: a trespass that arises upon a lawful act which because of subsequent unlawful or wrongful conduct is deemed under a legal fiction to have been trespassory from the beginning
trespass de bonis asportatis \\ -​dē-​ˈbō-​nis-​ˌas-​pȯr-​ˈtā-​tis, -​dā-​ˈbō-​nēs-​ˌäs-​pȯr-​ˈtä-​tēs \\ probably from Medieval Latin (trangressio) de bonis asportatis (trespass) concerning property carried off
: a common-law form of action to recover for trespass involving the carrying off of one's goods by another
trespass on the case
: a common-law form of action to recover for another's wrongful act that indirectly causes one's injury

called also action on the case, case

trespass quare clausum fregit \\ -​ˈkwer-​ē-​ˈklȯ-​zəm-​ˈfrē-​jət, -​ˈkwä-​rā-​ˈklau̇-​su̇m-​ˈfrā-​gēt \\ probably from Medieval Latin (transgressio) quare clausum fregit (trespass) whereby he or she broke into a close (tenement protected by law of trespass)
: a trespass that involves wrongful and tortious entry on another's real property
trespass to try title
: an action brought as a means of obtaining redress for a trespass to real property and determining the title to the property
trespass vi et armis \\ -​ˈvī-​ˌet-​ˈär-​mis, -​ˈvē-​, -​ˌmēs \\ Latin vi et armis with force and arms
: a trespass involving intentional infliction of injury on a person


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intransitive verb

: to commit a trespass
especially : to enter wrongfully or without proper authority or consent upon the real property of another

transitive verb

: to commit a trespass against

History and Etymology for trespass


Anglo-French trespas violation of the law, actionable wrong, from Old French, crossing, passage, from trespasser to go across, from tres across + passer to pass



past tense of trespass
as in wandered
to commit an offense I consider him to be trespassing against all of us when he trespasses against any one of us

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • wandered
  • fell
  • strayed
  • offended
  • transgressed
  • sinned
  • erred
  • violated
  • breached
  • infringed
  • broke the law
  • broke
  • fell from grace
  • lapsed
  • backslid
  • messed up

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • justified
  • forgave
  • pardoned
  • regretted
  • repented
  • rued




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