释义 |
1 as in to humiliate to reduce to a lower standing in one's own eyes or in others' eyes there's no need to take us down by making fun of our clothes -
humiliate -
discredit -
humble -
shame -
disgrace -
embarrass -
degrade -
dishonor -
rattle -
confuse -
insult -
cry down -
debase -
lower -
chasten -
demean -
cheapen -
smirch -
write off -
abase -
foul -
put down -
criticize -
sink -
diminish -
ridicule -
minimize -
fluster -
discount -
mortify -
detract -
faze -
nonplus -
discountenance -
disconcert -
abash -
disparage -
slander -
discomfit -
malign -
belittle -
confound -
libel -
decry -
depreciate -
affront -
condemn -
defame -
damn -
castigate -
defile -
censure -
reprehend -
denounce -
execrate -
bad-mouth -
reprobate -
honor -
elevate -
celebrate -
recognize -
exalt -
cite -
commend -
decorate -
praise -
cheer -
applaud -
congratulate -
salute -
compliment -
boast -
acknowledge -
aggrandize -
hail -
tout -
extol -
laud -
highlight -
canonize -
deify -
extoll -
acclaim -
eulogize -
play up -
fete -
raise -
promote -
lift -
upgrade -
advance -
spotlight -
magnify -
boost -
glorify -
dignify -
ensky -
enshrine -
uplift -
fête -
ennoble -
romanticize -
idealize -
enthrone See More 2 as in to knock down to take apart electricians will take down all the lights for the set after the play has finished its run -
knock down -
break down -
disconnect -
dismantle -
detach -
disassemble -
strike -
dismount -
divide -
dismember -
demount -
separate -
disengage -
disaggregate -
break up -
disarticulate -
disjoint -
dissever -
disjoin -
disunite -
build -
construct -
assemble -
combine -
erect -
unite -
pitch See More 3 as in to record to make a written note of took down the customer's contact information -
record -
write down -
log -
set down -
report -
note -
transcribe -
put down -
mark -
jot (down) -
enter -
register -
minute -
chronicle -
enregister -
notch -
inscribe -
score -
chalk (up) |