单词 | swellings |
释义 | swell1 of 3verb ˈswel swelled; swelled or swollen ˈswō-lən intransitive verb 1 a : to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or original limit the population swelled b : to become distended or puffed up her ankle is badly swollen c : to form a bulge or rounded elevation 2 a : to become filled with pride and arrogance b : to behave or speak in a pompous, blustering, or self-important manner c : to play the swell 3 : to become distended with emotion transitive verb 1 : to affect with a powerful or expansive emotion 2 : to increase the size, number, or intensity of swell the applicant pool swell 2 of 3noun1 : a long often massive and crestless wave or succession of waves often continuing beyond or after its cause (such as a gale) 2 a : the condition of being protuberant b : a rounded elevation 3 a : the act or process of swelling b(1) : a gradual increase and decrease of the loudness of a musical sound also : a sign indicating a swell (2) : a device used in an organ for governing loudness 4 a archaic : an impressive, pompous, or fashionable air or display b : a person dressed in the height of fashion c : a person of high social position or outstanding competence swell 3 of 3adjective1 a : stylish b : socially prominent 2 : excellent —used as a generalized term of enthusiasm swellings nounas in nodules a small rounded mass of swollen tissue the swelling at the site of the insect bite was not too concerning Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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