: a light flexible fishing rod used with a spinning reel
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebWith a few dozen nightcrawlers picked from the back yard, a couple of red-and-white Erie Dearie in-line spinners and a medium-weight spinning rod and reel, anglers of every stripe were armed for a day on Lake Erie.cleveland, 7 Apr. 2022 McKenna is no stranger to a spinning rod and had enjoyed many outings with her grandfather over the years. Jim Gronaw, baltimoresun.com/maryland/carroll, 5 Dec. 2021 This spinning rod and reel combo is just right for left or right anglers, but this one isn’t ideal for deep sea fishing trips. Micolette Davis, Chron, 1 June 2021 Start with a 6- to 7-foot medium weight casting or spinning rod and matching reel spooled with 12-pound monofilament or braid. Bill May, baltimoresun.com/maryland/carroll, 22 May 2021 Galbraith said the fish was caught around an artificial fish structure in about 25 feet of water using a spinning rod combo and six-pound test line. Matt Williams, Dallas News, 22 May 2021 From the everything-old-is-new-again department at Charlie Brewer’s Slider Company comes a facsimile edition of the original spinning rod the founder used in the formative stages of finesse fishing. Colin Moore, Field & Stream, 19 Nov. 2020 Moore fishes with a 28-inch spinning rod and 4-pound line. Andrew Pegman, Field & Stream, 27 Oct. 2020 Traditional weathervanes usually consist of a compass directional, a free-spinning rod, and a decorative cap, often in the form of a farm animal. Michael Pollick, chicagotribune.com, 19 Sep. 2020 See More