单词 | red |
释义 | red1 of 3adjective ˈred redder; reddest 1 a : of the color red a red rose red tomatoes I stopped at the red light. b : having red as a distinguishing color He was captain of the red team. 2 a(1) : flushed especially with anger or embarrassment Her red face made clear that his remark was cruel. (2) : ruddy, florid a healthy child with red cheeks (3) : being or having skin tinged with red due to inflammation The wound was red and swollen. Her skin was red from hours in the sun. (4) offensive : being or having skin of a coppery hue b : bloodshot eyes red from crying c of hair, fur, etc. : being in the color range between a moderate orange and russet or bay a red setter a horse with a red coat d : tinged with red : reddish a red sky/sunrise red wine red onions/potatoes 3 : heated to redness : glowing red coals 4 a : inciting or endorsing radical social or political change especially by force b often Red : communist c often Red : of or relating to a communist country and especially to the former Soviet Union 5 US politics : tending to support Republican candidates or policies Some choices are easy. You're either a dog guy or a cat guy. Red state or blue. compare blue sense 9, purple sense 3 red 2 of 3noun plural reds 1 : a color whose hue resembles that of blood or of the ruby or is that of the long-wave extreme of the visible spectrum 2 : red clothing the lady in red 3 : one that is of a red or reddish color: such as a : red wine b : an animal with a red or reddish coat 4 a : a pigment or dye that colors red b : a shade or tint of red 5 a : one who advocates the violent overthrow of an existing social or political order b capitalized : communist 6 [from the bookkeeping practice of entering debit items in red ink] : the condition of showing a loss —usually used with the in the red compare black sense 7 7 physics : one of the three colors (see color entry 1 sense 15) that quarks have in the theory of quantum chromodynamics In QCD there is actually not just one type of quark, but three types or "colors" of quarks. These are sometimes denoted as "red," "blue," and "green" quarks … red 3 of 3abbreviation reduce; reduction red 1 of 2 adjective1 as in glowing having a healthy reddish skin tone the merry, red, smiling face of Santa Claus Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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2 as in boiling having a notably high temperature the streams of red lava were especially spectacular at night Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
red 2 of 2noun1 as in rebel a person who rises up against authority the reds demanded a violent overthrow of the government Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in communist capitalized an adherent or advocate of an economic system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state the story of John Reed, the only American Red buried within the Kremlin Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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