释义 |
2 : fit for use a serviceable design also : of adequate quality her serviceable but not exceptional voice Irving Kolodin serviceability ˌsər-və-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun serviceableness ˈsər-və-sə-bəl-nəs noun serviceably ˈsər-və-sə-blē adverb 1 as in useful capable of being put to use or account be sure to wear serviceable shoes if you're going to be walking on the rocks along the shore -
useful -
applicable -
applicative -
practical -
applied -
usable -
workable -
useable -
practicable -
functional -
pragmatic -
actionable -
pragmatical -
working -
utilitarian -
available -
ultrapractical -
accessible -
obtainable -
functioning -
handy -
operating -
mundane -
reachable -
employed -
operative -
all-round -
down-to-earth -
active -
banausic -
all-around -
busy -
alive -
useless -
unusable -
impractical -
impracticable -
inapplicable -
unworkable -
theoretical -
academic -
unavailable -
inaccessible -
abstract -
theoretic -
unsuitable -
unobtainable -
nonpractical -
unattainable -
unreachable -
academical -
armchair See More 2 as in available capable of or suitable for being used for a particular purpose a perfectly serviceable, if old, set of screwdrivers worked fine for repairing the door -
useful -
available -
usable -
useable -
functional -
operable -
practicable -
exploitable -
viable -
workable -
employable -
feasible -
fit -
relevant -
doable -
applicable -
reusable -
unusable -
unavailable -
impracticable -
inoperable -
unemployable -
nonfunctional 3 as in adequate of a level of quality that meets one's needs or standards the acting was serviceable, although not particularly inspired -
adequate -
decent -
satisfactory -
fine -
good -
acceptable -
passable -
tolerable -
respectable -
useful -
okay -
suitable -
all right -
fairish -
OK -
worthy -
agreeable -
endurable -
minimal -
mediocre -
bearable -
middling -
appropriate -
up to snuff -
fitting -
satisfying -
ordinary -
average -
sufferable -
unexceptional -
standard -
indifferent -
proper -
common -
fair -
so-so -
correct -
right -
seemly -
second-rate -
run-of-the-mill -
due -
meet -
gratifying -
run-of-the-mine -
run-of-mine -
inadequate -
insufficient -
lacking -
unsatisfactory -
useless -
deficient -
unsuitable -
unacceptable -
objectionable -
cheap -
defective -
unfit -
improper -
unworthy -
imperfect -
disagreeable -
wrong -
bad -
shoddy -
incomplete -
wanting -
insufficient -
pitiful -
short -
indecent -
poor -
faulty -
shabby -
spare -
meager -
lamentable -
scanty -
skimpy -
meagre -
intolerable -
stingy -
great -
disreputable -
miserly -
special -
unbearable -
superior -
optimal -
atrocious -
exceptional -
dissatisfying -
unendurable -
insufferable -
wretched -
mean -
execrable -
splendid -
optimum -
miserable -
superb -
peerless -
exquisite -
prime -
terrific -
neat -
maximum -
fancy -
vile -
matchless -
supreme -
noble -
extreme -
wonderful -
superlative -
unparalleled -
classic -
stellar -
marvelous -
unmatched -
dandy -
divine -
premium -
top -
marvellous -
nifty -
heavenly -
grand -
fabulous -
sterling -
unsurpassed -
sensational -
preeminent -
par excellence -
keen -
niggardly -
swell -
mean -
first-rate -
first-class -
capital -
banner -
top-notch -
high-grade -
maximized -
crackerjack -
tip-top -
groovy -
boss -
supernal -
bang-up -
jim-dandy -
A1 See More |