单词 | round on |
释义 | round1 of 6adjective ˈrau̇nd 1 a(1) : having every part of the surface or circumference equidistant from the center (2) : cylindrical a round peg b : approximately round a round face 2 : well filled out : plump, shapely 3 a : complete, full a round dozen a round ton b : approximately correct especially : exact only to a specific decimal or place use the round number 1400 for the exact figure 1411 c : substantial in amount : ample a good round price— 4 : direct in utterance : outspoken a round denunciation 5 : moving in or forming a circle 6 a : brought to completion or perfection : finished b : presented with lifelike fullness or vividness 7 : delivered with a swing of the arm a round blow 8 a : having full or unimpeded resonance or tone : sonorous b : pronounced with rounded lips : labialized 9 : of or relating to handwriting predominantly curved rather than angular roundness ˈrau̇n(d)-nəs noun round 2 of 6adverb : around round 3 of 6noun1 a : something (such as a circle, globe, or ring) that is round b(1) : a knot of people (2) : a circle of things 2 : round dance sense 1 3 : a musical canon in which each part begins on the same note and is continuously repeated 4 a : a rung of a ladder or a chair b : a rounded molding 5 a : a circling or circuitous path or course b : motion in a circle or a curving path 6 a : a route or circuit habitually covered (as by a security guard or police officer) b : a series of similar or customary calls or stops They were always together, fighting to cure paralysis. An endless round of fundraisers, Congressional testimony.— —often used in plural You see, in election time local politicians, aspirants for office, have a way of making the rounds of the saloons to get votes.— especially : a series of regularly scheduled professional calls on hospital patients made by a doctor or nurse —usually used in plural … if laboratory test results are not available to physicians when they make their routine morning rounds, they may have to delay patient management, repeat their rounds at a later time, and perhaps prolong their patients' hospital stays. — 7 : a drink of liquor apiece served at one time to each person in a group I'll buy the next round 8 : a sequence of recurring routine or repetitive actions or events went about my round of chores the newest round of talks 9 : a period of time that recurs in a fixed pattern the daily round 10 a : one shot fired by a weapon or by each man in a military unit b : a unit of ammunition consisting of the parts necessary to fire one shot 11 a : a unit of action in a contest or game which comprises a stated period, covers a prescribed distance, includes a specified number of plays, or gives each player one turn b : a division of a tournament in which each contestant plays an opponent 12 : a prolonged burst (as of applause) 13 a : a cut of meat (such as beef) especially between the rump and the lower leg see beef illustration b : a slice of food a round of bread 14 : a rounded or curved part round 4 of 6verb (1) rounded; rounding; rounds transitive verb 1 a : to make round b(1) : to make (the lips) round and protruded (as in the pronunciation of \\ü\\) (2) : to pronounce with lip rounding : labialize 2 a : go around b : to pass part of the way around 3 : encircle, encompass 4 : to bring to completion or perfection —often used with off or out 5 : to express as a round number —often used with off 11.3572 rounded off to two decimal places becomes 11.36 intransitive verb 1 a : to become round, plump, or shapely b : to reach fullness or completion 2 : to follow a winding course : bend round 5 of 6preposition1 : around 2 : all during : throughout round the year round 6 of 6verb (2) rounded; rounding; rounds transitive verb 1 archaic : whisper 2 archaic : to speak to in a whisper round on phraseas in attack to take sudden, violent action against She rounded on him, punching him square in the nose. Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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