释义 |
2 of a mineral : having a crystal structure that has been deformed by exposure to sudden extremely high pressure (as from a meteorite impact or a nuclear blast) Grains of shocked quartz have long been used as criteria for impact (extraterrestrial objects or nuclear bombs) … Stephen Jay Gould 1 as in amazed affected with sudden and great wonder or surprise the escaping bridegroom bid farewell to the shocked wedding guests as he ran out the door -
amazed -
surprised -
stunned -
astonished -
horrified -
appalled -
dumbstruck -
dumfounded -
thunderstruck -
astounded -
flabbergasted -
dumbfounded -
startled -
awestricken -
awestruck -
stupefied -
bewildered -
aghast -
surprized -
bowled over -
blindsided -
overwhelmed -
dazed -
dismayed -
confused -
awed -
openmouthed -
agape -
awesome -
widemouthed -
wide-eyed -
nonchalant -
unruffled -
casual -
blasé -
blase 2 as in disgusted filled with disgust we were shocked at the appalling conditions in the prison -
disgusted -
outraged -
angered -
sick -
angry -
repulsed -
revolted -
infuriated -
enraged -
repelled -
sickened -
nauseated -
upset -
displeased -
incensed -
indignant -
fuming -
riled -
fed up -
furious -
weary -
irate -
apoplectic -
livid -
mad -
rankled -
ticked -
worked up -
steaming -
roiled -
sore -
cheesed off -
shirty -
wrought (up) -
horn-mad -
teed off -
delighted -
pleased -
gratified -
satisfied -
thankful -
thrilled -
fascinated -
charmed -
enthralled -
tickled -
enchanted -
mesmerized -
spellbound -
entranced -
captivated -
bewitched -
beguiled See More 3 as in scared filled with fear or dread the hikers were so shocked at the sight of a bear that they didn't dare move -
scared -
frightened -
terrified -
afraid -
horrified -
alarmed -
worried -
aghast -
fearful -
upset -
startled -
appalled -
spooked -
terrorized -
panicked -
affrighted -
nervous -
scary -
hysterical -
disturbed -
anxious -
hysteric -
horror-struck -
apprehensive -
perturbed -
timid -
dismayed -
disconcerted -
disquieted -
agitated -
panicky -
intimidated -
shrinking -
wary -
unnerved -
daunted -
cowed -
timorous -
uneasy -
fainthearted -
cautious -
chicken -
shy -
phobic -
jumpy -
tremulous -
jittery -
careful -
panic-stricken -
funky -
fearsome -
craven -
coward -
cowardly -
pusillanimous -
gutless -
skittish -
tremulant -
heedful -
prudent -
unadventurous -
lily-livered -
unafraid -
daring -
fearless -
audacious -
adventurous -
spirited -
brave -
sure -
bold -
spunky -
gutsy -
courageous -
confident -
plucky -
unperturbed -
assured -
adventuresome -
venturesome -
intrepid -
collected -
heroic -
cool -
daredevil -
composed -
dashing -
valiant -
hardy -
sanguine -
stalwart -
undaunted -
gallant -
valorous -
stout -
venturous -
dauntless -
resolute -
stouthearted -
heroical -
manful -
lionhearted See More past tense of shock 1 as in appalled to cause an unpleasant surprise for Mom was shocked by the terrible news that her cousin had died in an accident I was shocked to find out that I was the victim of identity theft -
appalled -
stunned -
horrified -
scared -
startled -
frightened -
astonished -
outraged -
amazed -
disgusted -
alarmed -
terrified -
shook -
jolted -
overwhelmed -
flabbergasted -
dumbfounded -
floored -
shook up -
dismayed -
stupefied -
panicked -
astounded -
offended -
upset -
sickened -
awed -
displeased -
disturbed -
scandalized -
spooked -
dumfounded -
revolted -
terrorized -
nauseated -
disconcerted -
unnerved -
frighted -
perturbed -
affrighted -
daunted -
knocked for a loop -
distressed -
repelled -
unsettled -
scarified -
disquieted -
dispirited -
bowled over -
demoralized -
emasculated -
discomforted -
turned off -
discomposed -
overpowered -
freaked (out) -
chilled -
unstrung -
crushed -
alarumed -
weirded out -
unmanned -
undid -
pleased -
delighted -
gratified -
rejoiced -
tickled -
tempted -
buffered -
cushioned -
assured -
charmed -
enticed -
comforted -
cheered -
reassured -
consoled -
soothed -
solaced See More 2 as in surprised to make a strong impression on (someone) with something unexpected were shocked by the way the law against public intoxication was constantly being broken -
surprised -
amazed -
stunned -
astonished -
startled -
astounded -
flabbergasted -
dumbfounded -
rocked -
stupefied -
thunderstruck -
perplexed -
bewildered -
dumfounded -
surprized -
confused -
dismayed -
dazed -
floored -
disconcerted -
nonplussed -
befuddled -
took aback -
blindsided -
bowled over -
took by surprise -
discomfited -
jarred -
nonplused -
confounded -
muddled -
shook up -
blew away -
knocked for a loop 3 as in frightened to strike with fear the sudden appearance of the ghost shocked us to the core -
frightened -
scared -
terrified -
startled -
horrified -
alarmed -
spooked -
panicked -
amazed -
shook -
terrorized -
appalled -
frighted -
affrighted -
astounded -
dismayed -
scarified -
awed -
distracted -
worried -
jolted -
made one's flesh crawl -
disturbed -
upset -
gave one the creeps -
made one's flesh creep -
alarumed -
unnerved -
disconcerted -
daunted -
shook up -
perturbed -
floored -
unsettled -
dispirited -
disquieted -
distressed -
discomforted -
bowled over -
emasculated -
demoralized -
discomposed -
unstrung -
chilled -
unmanned -
undid -
psyched (out) -
reassured -
assured -
cheered -
comforted -
consoled -
inspired -
encouraged -
heartened -
soothed -
emboldened -
solaced -
steeled See More |