释义 |
: that depresses especially : causing emotional depression a depressing story depressingly di-ˈpre-siŋ-lē dē- adverb 1 as in bleak causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer the depressing atmosphere of the empty mall -
bleak -
depressive -
somber -
dark -
lonely -
darkening -
desolate -
morbid -
depressed -
cold -
gray -
murky -
solemn -
miserable -
lonesome -
sad -
morose -
gloomy -
dismal -
black -
blue -
cheerless -
glum -
dreary -
wretched -
lugubrious -
chill -
disconsolate -
dire -
funereal -
oppressive -
melancholy -
elegiac -
sullen -
grey -
drear -
forlorn -
godforsaken -
cloudy -
saturnine -
comfortless -
sombre -
sepulchral -
plutonian -
dispiriting -
discouraging -
disheartening -
tenebrous -
unhappy -
sunless -
dreich -
distressing -
desperate -
upsetting -
negative -
dull -
hopeless -
dismaying -
grim -
melancholic -
elegiacal -
discomfiting -
dejected -
distressful -
woebegone -
mournful -
pessimistic -
tenebrific -
dim -
despondent -
mirthless -
woeful -
down -
low -
hangdog -
inconsolable -
sorrowful -
menacing -
droopy -
drab -
lamentable -
Cimmerian -
dour -
plaintive -
threatening -
colorless -
lowering -
lowery -
louring -
loury -
comforting -
cheerful -
cheery -
bright -
festive -
friendly -
gay -
joyous -
joyful -
sunshiny -
buoyant -
jolly -
optimistic -
cordial -
heartwarming -
blithe -
merry -
gay -
encouraging -
mirthful -
hopeful -
cheering -
lighthearted -
blithesome -
jocund -
lightsome See More 2 as in sad causing unhappiness more depressing news about the famine overseas -
sad -
pathetic -
heartbreaking -
saddening -
melancholy -
disturbing -
mournful -
unfortunate -
dismal -
tearful -
dreary -
drear -
distressing -
teary -
distressful -
deplorable -
disquieting -
heartrending -
dispiriting -
disheartening -
discomforting -
discouraging -
sorry -
lamentable -
affecting -
moving -
touching -
perturbing -
poignant -
woeful -
grievous -
discomposing -
cheery -
happy -
uplifting -
glad -
inspiring -
stimulating -
heartening -
pleasant -
stirring -
delightful -
enjoyable -
satisfying -
cheering -
welcome -
heartwarming -
pleasurable -
agreeable -
pleasing -
exhilarating -
thrilling See More present participle of depress 1 as in saddening to make sad the thought of once again failing the bar exam depressed me -
saddening -
troubling -
dejecting -
distressing -
worrying -
oppressing -
disturbing -
weighing down -
burdening -
concerning -
dispiriting -
unsettling -
disheartening -
discouraging -
getting down -
bothering -
tormenting -
upsetting -
disquieting -
unnerving -
dismaying -
discomforting -
bumming (out) -
demoralizing -
afflicting -
ailing -
daunting -
torturing -
dashing -
perturbing -
agitating -
undoing -
discomposing -
unhinging -
exercising -
freaking (out) -
comforting -
exciting -
rejoicing -
invigorating -
reassuring -
brightening -
lightening -
stimulating -
consoling -
soothing -
enlivening -
inspiring -
animating -
assuring -
exhilarating -
gratifying -
encouraging -
buoying -
gladdening -
uplifting -
cheering (up) -
solacing -
pleasing -
lifting -
elating -
heartening -
elevating -
delighting -
boosting See More 2 as in lowering to cause to fall intentionally or unintentionally construction workers depressed the roadbed in order to make way for an overpass -
lowering -
throwing -
dropping -
throwing down -
flattening -
sinking -
fumbling -
knocking down -
bungling -
striking down -
knocking over -
plunking down -
toppling -
leveling -
flooring -
plonking down -
plopping -
submerging -
immersing -
foozling -
bobbling -
levelling -
lifting -
raising -
picking up 3 as in reducing to diminish the price or value of the glut of wheat on the market has depressed that commodity for most of the past year -
reducing -
sinking -
lowering -
attenuating -
devaluing -
shrinking -
devaluating -
cheapening -
depreciating -
downgrading -
writing down -
writing off -
marking down -
breaking -
debasing -
deflating -
demonetizing -
downsizing -
dwindling -
undervaluing -
compressing -
underrating -
underestimating -
lessening -
contracting -
moderating -
abridging -
underpricing -
de-escalating -
appreciating -
enhancing -
upgrading -
inflating -
increasing -
marking up -
bloating -
blowing up -
escalating -
swelling -
adding -
boosting -
amplifying -
multiplying -
augmenting -
expanding -
enlarging -
compounding -
raising -
heightening -
maximizing -
dilating -
extending -
overestimating -
overrating -
aggrandizing -
ballooning -
overpricing -
overvaluing -
upping See More 4 as in pressing to push steadily against with some force depressed the lever to start the machine -
pressing -
shoving -
compressing -
compelling -
squeezing -
punching -
bearing (down on) -
weighing (on or upon) -
forcing -
pressuring -
squashing -
squishing -
squooshing -
mashing -
crushing -
constricting -
thrusting -
condensing -
propelling -
driving -
jam-packing -
jamming -
contracting -
wringing -
wedging -
muscling -
compacting -
stuffing -
packing -
cramming -
leaning (on or against) -
scrunching |