Illustration of pick

- pick 2c
单词 | pick the brains of |
释义 | pick1 of 5verb (1) ˈpik picked; picking; picks transitive verb 1 : to pierce, penetrate, or break up with a pointed instrument picked the hard clay 2 a : to remove bit by bit pick meat from bones b : to remove covering or adhering matter from pick the bones 3 a : to gather by plucking pick apples b : choose, select tried to pick the shortest route c : to make (one's way) slowly and carefully picked his way through the rubble 4 a : pilfer, rob pick pockets b : to obtain useful information from by questioning —used in such phrases as pick the brains of 5 : provoke pick a quarrel 6 a : to dig into : probe picking his teeth b : to pluck (a stringed instrument, such as a guitar) with a pick or with the fingers c : to loosen or pull apart with a sharp point pick wool 7 : to unlock with a device (such as a wire) other than the key pick a lock intransitive verb 1 : to use or work with a pick 2 : to gather or harvest something by plucking 3 : pilfer —used in the phrase picking and stealing 4 : to eat sparingly or mincingly picking listlessly at his dinner pick 2 of 5noun (1)1 : a blow or stroke with a pointed instrument 2 a : the act or privilege of choosing or selecting : choice take your pick b : the best or choicest one the pick of the herd c : one that is picked his pick for vice president 3 : the portion of a crop gathered at one time the first pick of peaches 4 : a screen in basketball 5 football : an intercepted forward pass : interception … McNabb had his worst game of the year. He threw two picks, fumbled twice, got sacked seven times.— pick 3 of 5noun (2)1 : a heavy, usually long-handled iron or steel tool pointed at one or both ends compare mattock 2 a : toothpick b : picklock c : a small thin piece (as of plastic or metal) used to pluck the strings of a stringed instrument 3 : one of the points on the forepart of the blade of a skate used in figure skating 4 : a comb with long widely spaced teeth used to give height to a hairstyle pick 4 of 5verb (2) picked; picking; picks transitive verb 1 chiefly dialectal : to throw or thrust with effort : hurl 2 : to throw (a shuttle) across the loom pick 5 of 5noun (3)1 dialectal, England a : the act of pitching or throwing b : something thrown 2 a : a throw of the shuttle b : a filling thread pick the brains of phraseas in examine to put a series of questions to The conference presented an opportunity to pick the brains of some of the world's greatest scientists. Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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