Recent Examples on the WebThe ground started moving in downtown Fort Lauderdale on Thursday as the relocation of the city’s beloved rain tree culminated in an outdoor spectacle. Shira Moolten, Sun Sentinel, 4 Aug. 2022 The trees also have a pest, resembling box elder bugs of the north, called golden-rain tree bugs that feed on the seeds and may prevent some from sprouting. Tom Maccubbin,, 30 Oct. 2021 Long before skyscrapers came to town, a majestic rain tree has grown tall and proud for nearly a century, bringing beauty and a touch of controversy to a quiet spot in downtown Fort Lauderdale destined for development. Susannah Bryan,, 17 Sep. 2021 On the northwestern tip of Chief's Island, shaded by jackalberry, sausage and rain trees, these 12 thatched-roof pavilions have private viewing decks with hammocks.Condé Nast Traveler, 20 Oct. 2017