释义 |
as in lowbrow a person who is chiefly interested in material comfort and is hostile or indifferent to art and culture the town's philistines who think that spending on the arts is a waste of taxpayers' money -
lowbrow -
materialist -
capitalist -
bastard -
clown -
rat -
jerk -
plutocrat -
boor -
cretin -
rotter -
cad -
creep -
lout -
scumbag -
bounder -
dirtbag -
chuff -
boob -
scum -
heel -
joker -
louse -
fink -
Babbitt -
cur -
churl -
crud -
rat fink -
crumb -
highbrow -
intellectual -
middlebrow -
thinker -
genius -
sage -
brain See More 1 as in utilitarian -
utilitarian -
pragmatic -
hardheaded -
practical -
sound -
cynical -
rational -
unromantic -
realistic -
earthy -
misanthropic -
logical -
pragmatical -
sensible -
sane -
reasonable -
unsentimental -
commonsensical -
idealless -
matter-of-fact -
pessimistic -
disillusioned -
levelheaded -
sobersided -
sober -
grounded -
down-to-earth -
skeptical -
no-nonsense -
suspicious -
mistrustful -
hard-edged -
hard-boiled -
distrustful -
tough-minded -
bottom-line -
hard -
idealistic -
utopian -
impractical -
visionary -
sentimental -
unrealistic -
imaginative -
romantic -
fanciful -
irrational -
fantastical -
optimistic -
unreasonable -
fantastic -
illogical -
cheerful -
insane -
theoretical -
blue-sky -
trusting -
theoretic -
trustful -
half-baked -
unsuspicious -
rose-colored See More 2 as in materialistic -
materialistic -
avaricious -
acquisitive -
miserly -
moneygrubbing -
mercenary -
avid -
covetous -
rapacious -
greedy -
eager -
coveting -
egocentric -
grasping -
gluttonous -
desirous -
commercialistic -
ravenous -
superficial -
lickerish -
insatiable -
egotistical -
egoistical -
grabby -
voracious -
shallow -
egotistic -
surface -
egoistic -
malcontent -
itchy -
unquenchable -
devouring -
discontented -
self-centered -
discontent -
unsatisfied -
gobbling -
skin-deep -
self-seeking -
liberal -
generous -
magnanimous -
charitable -
altruistic -
munificent -
handsome -
unselfish -
selfless -
unsparing -
bountiful -
moderate -
controlled -
bounteous -
nonmaterialistic -
content -
restrained -
temperate -
openhearted -
satisfied -
sated -
openhanded -
freehanded -
greathearted See More 3 as in uncultured -
uncultured -
lowbrow -
semiliterate -
artless -
ignorant -
unknowledgeable -
uneducated -
naive -
benighted -
callow -
unsophisticated -
untutored -
illiterate -
innumerate -
uncultivated -
unschooled -
inexperienced -
unlettered -
naïve -
functionally illiterate -
imbecile -
nonliterate -
untaught -
green -
uninstructed -
witless -
unlearned -
moronic -
idiotic -
unskilled -
unread -
stupid -
rude -
brainless -
untrained -
innocent -
dumb -
imbecilic -
foolish -
analphabetic -
dark -
silly -
simple -
senseless -
idiotical -
raw -
literate -
knowledgeable -
educated -
intelligent -
brilliant -
expert -
schooled -
intellectual -
smart -
experienced -
lettered -
highbrow -
erudite -
trained -
scholarly -
cultured -
well-read -
well-informed -
learned -
aware -
sophisticated -
familiar -
polymathic -
cultivated -
polymath -
acquainted -
polyhistoric See More |