Some of these antiviral defenses, such as CRISPR-Cas9, recognize specific sequences in the DNA that a phage injects into its host. Annie Melchor, Quanta Magazine, 29 Aug. 2022 Patterson's case was published in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in 2017, jump-starting new scientific interest in phage therapy. Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 8 July 2022 It’s not just bacterial switches that appear to be phage inventions. Ivan Erill, The Conversation, 19 Oct. 2021 Perhaps not surprisingly, bacterial and phage switches are evolutionarily related. Ivan Erill, The Conversation, 19 Oct. 2021 In a new study by Garrett et al., a complete set of overlapping linear peptides on a phage display backbone was developed, which spanned the entire spike protein. William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 13 May 2021 Schooley’s major challenge has been securing a phage supply. Nicola Twilley, The New Yorker, 14 Dec. 2020 This month, Bunevacz should finally be able to start his phage therapy. Nicola Twilley, The New Yorker, 14 Dec. 2020 One phage getting a lot of attention is crAssphage, discovered in 2014 by Bas Dutilh of the Radboud Institute in the Netherlands. David Pride, Scientific American, 7 Dec. 2020 See More
Word History
by shortening
Noun combining form
Greek -phagos one that eats, from -phagos -phagous