释义 |
: plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation a perspicuous argument perspicuity ˌpər-spə-ˈkyü-ə-tē noun perspicuously pər-ˈspi-kyə-wəs-lē adverb as in obvious not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation believing that poetry need not be as perspicuous as prose, he writes poems that are intentionally ambiguous -
obvious -
straightforward -
unmistakable -
apparent -
clear -
evident -
distinct -
lucid -
unambiguous -
plain -
transparent -
luminous -
simple -
unequivocal -
broad -
visible -
intelligible -
comprehensible -
pellucid -
manifest -
barefaced -
crystal clear -
patent -
palpable -
unambivalent -
understandable -
explicit -
open-and-shut -
decided -
bald -
clear-cut -
ringing -
luculent -
nonambiguous -
tangible -
knowable -
noticeable -
bald-faced -
digestible -
graspable -
comprehendible -
bright-line -
tidy -
uncomplicated -
sensible -
appreciable -
observable -
perceptible -
cognizable -
recognizable -
readable -
discernible -
undisguised -
fathomable -
self-evident -
self-explanatory -
legible -
overt -
trenchant -
decipherable -
clean-cut -
clean -
cognoscible -
well-defined -
discernable -
black-and-white -
fair -
ambiguous -
indistinct -
equivocal -
obscure -
mysterious -
unclear -
enigmatic -
cryptic -
dark -
enigmatical -
unintelligible -
incomprehensible -
unknowable -
clouded -
unfathomable -
indecipherable -
unapparent -
subtle -
vague -
inappreciable -
imperceptible -
nonobvious -
impalpable -
insensible -
obfuscated -
imprecise -
unclarified -
indefinite -
gray -
grey -
indeterminate -
nebulous -
indiscernible -
slippery -
hazy -
sketchy -
cloudy -
murky -
illegible -
misty -
noncommittal -
unreadable -
gauzy -
undecipherable See More |