释义 |
1 see usage paragraph below : grudgingly mean about spending or granting : begrudging … management was being niggardly with raises. Dana Canedy 2 see usage paragraph below : provided in meanly limited supply … niggardly funding of planetary science. Richard Wolkomir 1 as in niggard giving or sharing as little as possible They were shocked when the company's niggardly owner at long last gave out raises. -
niggard -
miserly -
stingy -
parsimonious -
careful -
stinting -
tightfisted -
selfish -
mingy -
penurious -
pinching -
ungenerous -
mean -
greedy -
desirous -
close -
uncharitable -
tight -
cheap -
economizing -
chintzy -
conserving -
sparing -
penny-pinching -
closefisted -
spare -
economical -
pinchpenny -
chary -
thrifty -
saving -
frugal -
small -
avaricious -
scrimping -
skimping -
mercenary -
grudging -
hoggish -
covetous -
grasping -
acquisitive -
coveting -
begrudging -
sordid -
shabby -
envious -
rapacious -
avid -
itchy -
resentful -
inhospitable -
munificent -
generous -
liberal -
charitable -
bounteous -
bountiful -
unstinting -
openhanded -
unsparing -
extravagant -
unselfish -
altruistic -
lavish -
profuse -
free -
overgenerous -
selfless -
benevolent -
philanthropic -
hospitable -
handsome -
beneficent -
magnanimous -
freehanded -
kindly -
humanitarian -
philanthropical -
profligate -
spendthrift -
compassionate -
wasteful -
openhearted -
wasting -
unthrifty -
prodigal -
thriftless -
squandering -
greathearted -
dissipating -
good-hearted -
frittering -
splurging See More 2 as in scarce less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable niggardly portions of meat for dinner -
scarce -
sparse -
stingy -
scanty -
poor -
meager -
scant -
skimpy -
skimp -
sparing -
lacking -
lowest -
light -
meagre -
exiguous -
mere -
slender -
insufficient -
inadequate -
spare -
small -
short -
hand-to-mouth -
deficient -
thin on the ground -
slim -
minimal -
least -
thin -
slightest -
littlest -
wanting -
unfruitful -
bare -
bare-bones -
slight -
sterile -
unproductive -
barren -
infertile -
generous -
liberal -
ample -
abundant -
sufficient -
enough -
adequate -
plentiful -
copious -
bountiful -
satisfactory -
rich -
tolerable -
plenteous -
fat -
fertile -
lavish -
prolific -
fruitful -
fecund -
extra -
excess -
luxuriant -
surplus -
bursting -
flourishing -
proliferative -
thriving -
blooming -
swarming -
teeming See More as in stingily -
stingily -
meagerly -
odiously -
insufficiently -
abominably -
sparely -
vilely -
scantily -
shabbily -
skimpily -
unspeakably -
egregiously -
grossly -
inferiorly -
miserably -
flagrantly -
meanly -
vulgarly -
deplorably -
intolerably -
scantly -
terribly -
indecently -
inappropriately -
sleazily -
shoddily -
awfully -
reprehensibly -
naughtily -
unsuitably -
execrably -
damnably -
dreadfully -
unbearably -
incorrectly -
trashily -
horribly -
detestably -
atrociously -
inadequately -
poorly -
abysmally -
disastrously -
horrendously -
deficiently -
bad -
rottenly -
unsatisfactorily -
horrifically -
wretchedly -
unacceptably -
lousily -
badly -
tolerably -
adequately -
passably -
well -
acceptably -
fine -
satisfactorily -
felicitously -
rightly -
fittingly -
good -
appropriately -
nicely -
palatably -
decorously -
suitably -
okay -
seemly -
correctly -
all right -
decently -
meetly -
precisely -
faithfully -
exactly -
respectably -
congruously -
gratifyingly -
so-so -
ideally -
OK -
satisfyingly See More |