Recent Examples on the WebAlongside costumes and makeup, her trunks held Paillole’s dossier, written in invisible ink among the notes on Baker’s sheet music. Lauren Michele Jackson, The New Yorker, 8 Aug. 2022 But her music — her sheet music, with all its notations and so forth — is in the New York Public Library. Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 1 Aug. 2022 To encourage others to perform the song, the YouTube video also includes the sheet music of the composition. Thom Duffy, Billboard, 6 May 2022 Auditioners must provide the sheet music for the pianist, or be prepared to sing without piano accompaniment. Melanie Savage, Hartford Courant, 13 June 2022 At the pop-up concert outside the cafe, wind threatened to blow sheet music away, and buses pulled in and out of the nearby terminal, but that didn’t deter the nearly 100 people who gathered to listen. Serena Puang,, 17 June 2022 Steve Kradolfer asked an audience member to pick a song from a book of sheet music as Joel Acevedo sat blindfolded at a baby grand, 5 July 2022 Candidates are asked to have a song clip (no more than 60 seconds) or sheet music of a Buffett song or a song in a similar style for the singing, 10 June 2022 The set appears to consist of the aforementioned easel and sewing table complete with tiny sewing implements inside, plus a bookcase/cabinet filled with books and whatnot, a sofa, two side chairs, a table and a piano with sheet music. Tribune News Service, al, 1 June 2022 See More