Recent Examples on the WebIf Argentina can finally break the cycle of pendular moves in every presidential election, then moderation could pave the way to predictability and potentially growth. Agustino Fontevecchia, Forbes, 1 June 2022 The arc of every private moral sphere is in constant pendular motion.Washington Post, 20 Aug. 2021 As such, prioritizing growth, employment and wages over inflation represents a pendular shift from the intense focus on price stability that began in the wake of the hyper-inflation of the 1970s. Tom Saler, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8 Mar. 2021 As many historians can attest, American presidential elections tend to be pendular; the country tires of the incumbent, the country’s mood then swings, and voters replace him with someone as unlike that person as possible.Washington Post, 7 Nov. 2019 Our pendular system already offers a way to apply small amounts of pressure with one foot for resulting tiny adjustments. Lee Hutchinson, Ars Technica, 23 Sep. 2018
Word History
First Known Use
1759, in the meaning defined above
Medical Definition
pen·du·lar ˈpen-jə-lər, ˈpen-d(y)ə-
: characterized by or being regular rhythmic movement especially from side to side