释义 |
: difficult to understand or solve puzzling symptoms 1 as in inexplicable -
inexplicable -
mysterious -
incomprehensible -
unclear -
indecipherable -
indiscernible -
vague -
hieroglyphic -
obscure -
obfuscatory -
hieroglyphical -
nebulous -
indistinct -
shadowy -
undetermined -
foggy -
undefined -
blurry -
opaque -
faint -
hazy -
fuzzy -
indistinguishable -
murky -
misty -
indefinite -
bleary -
gloomy -
pale -
dim -
blear -
dark -
gauzy -
invisible -
dusky -
intangible -
inappreciable -
impalpable -
obvious -
evident -
distinct -
certain -
plain -
sure -
bright -
strong -
clear -
definite -
firm -
pellucid See More 2 as in perplexing -
perplexing -
baffling -
mystifying -
bewildering -
confounding -
bizarre -
strange -
unusual -
shocking -
remarkable -
curious -
outrageous -
eerie -
quirky -
funny -
peculiar -
weird -
grotesque -
outlandish -
uncommon -
wacky -
idiosyncratic -
screwy -
atypical -
unique -
quaint -
rare -
kinky -
outré -
marvelous -
whacky -
unnatural -
freakish -
singular -
prodigious -
flaky -
aberrant -
eery -
unwonted -
miraculous -
freak -
marvellous -
way-out -
fantastic -
phenomenal -
uncanny -
far-out -
queerish -
magical -
wild -
fantastical -
out-of-the-way -
queer -
striking -
unorthodox -
supernatural -
transcendental -
unearthly -
notable -
transcendent -
unconventional -
superhuman -
noticeable -
salient -
conspicuous -
prominent -
outstanding -
supernormal -
preternatural -
uncustomary -
typical -
ordinary -
usual -
prosaic -
unremarkable -
commonplace -
familiar -
routine -
everyday -
average -
predictable -
garden -
unexceptional -
common -
frequent -
expected -
workaday -
run-of-the-mill -
customary -
regular -
habitual -
wonted See More present participle of puzzle as in baffling to throw into a state of mental uncertainty it is the cause of the disease that puzzles doctors -
baffling -
perplexing -
bewildering -
confusing -
mystifying -
befuddling -
vexing -
embarrassing -
disturbing -
bemusing -
confounding -
disorienting -
stunning -
discombobulating -
posing -
rattling -
bothering -
upsetting -
muddling -
fuddling -
flummoxing -
flustering -
unsettling -
bamboozling -
mazing -
muddying -
addling -
befogging -
disconcerting -
graveling -
getting -
foxing -
beating -
distressing -
buffaloing -
discomfiting -
disquieting -
dismaying -
stumping -
blowing one's mind -
gravelling -
mortifying -
discomforting -
perturbing -
misleading -
sticking -
going to one's head -
agitating -
beguiling -
nonplussing -
unhinging -
weirding out -
discountenancing -
deceiving -
nonplusing -
discomposing -
abashing -
misguiding -
fazing -
humbugging -
hoaxing -
deluding -
fooling -
tricking -
snowing -
gulling -
duping -
hoodwinking -
stringing along -
chagrining -
taking in -
cozening -
satisfying -
assuring -
reassuring -
informing -
enlightening |