单词 | gameness |
释义 | game1 of 4noun ˈgām 1 a(1) : a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other (2) : a division of a larger contest (3) : the manner of playing in a contest (4) : a particular aspect or phase of play in a game or sport a football team's kicking game (5) : the set of rules governing a game (6) : the number of points necessary to win (7) : points scored in certain card games (as in all fours) by a player whose cards count up the highest b games plural : organized athletics c(1) : a field of gainful activity : line the newspaper game (2) : any activity undertaken or regarded as a contest involving rivalry, strategy, or struggle the dating game the game of politics also : the course or period of such an activity got into aviation early in the game (3) : area of expertise : specialty sense 3 comedy is not my game 2 a(1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement : play (2) : the equipment for a game b : often derisive or mocking jesting : fun, sport make game of a nervous player 3 a : a procedure or strategy for gaining an end : tactic b : an illegal or shady scheme or maneuver : racket 4 a(1) : animals under pursuit or taken in hunting especially : wild animals hunted for sport or food (2) : the flesh of game animals b : a target or object especially of ridicule or attack —often used in the phrase fair game c archaic : pluck gamelike ˈgām-līk adjective game 2 of 4adjective (1)1 a : willing or ready to proceed were game for anything b : having or showing a resolute unyielding spirit 2 : of or relating to game game laws gamely adverb gameness noun game 3 of 4verb gamed; gaming; games transitive + intransitive 1 : to manipulate, exploit, or cheat in (a system, a situation, etc.) slyly or dishonestly for personal gain game the tax system … a male bus driver who tried to game a drug test by using his wife's urine … 2 : to play video games Globally [in 2019], more than two billion people play video games, including 150 million Americans (nearly half the country's population), 60 percent of whom game daily. 3 : to play for a stake : gamble Is it the interest of any man to steal, to game, to waste his health and mental faculties by drunkenness …? No. All these are roads to ruin. see also gaming 4 archaic : to lose or squander by gambling game 4 of 4adjective (2) : being a body part and especially a limb that is usually permanently impaired in function Despite his eyeglasses and his game leg, early in 1900 [Erskine] Childers volunteered for the Boer War. Working his rifle lever with daunting speed despite his game arm … gameness nounas in willingness cheerful readiness to do something it requires a certain amount of gustatory gameness to try something like rattlesnake or alligator Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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