Recent Examples on the WebChaudhri suffers from retinitis pigmentosa, which causes degeneration of the retina. Steve Reaven,, 7 Aug. 2017 The Argus II, a bionic retina approved by the Food and Drug Administration, is now being used by more than 100 people with retinitis pigmentosa and other related conditions. Candy Sagon, charlotteobserver, 9 June 2017 Andrei was afflicted with a retinal degenerative disease known as retinitis pigmentosa, which can cause vision impairment or vision loss. Bryce Alderton, Daily Pilot, 20 June 2017 The two most common kinds of retina disorders are retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration, which together affect about more than 20 million Americans. Ben Panko, Smithsonian, 11 Jan. 2017