: camphorated tincture of opium used especially to relieve pain
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebParents have always been overwhelmed by babies crying from teething and have used some truly awful, dangerous methods to stop the pain such as drinking alcohol, paregoric (a strong opioid), and now benzocaine.Philly.com, 7 June 2018
Word History
French parégorique mitigating pain, from Late Latin paregoricus, from Greek parēgorikos, from parēgorein to talk over, soothe, from para- + agora assembly, from ageirein to gather
First Known Use
circa 1827, in the meaning defined above
Medical Definition
par·e·go·ric ˌpar-ə-ˈgȯr-ik, -ˈgōr-, -ˈgär-
: camphorated tincture of opium used especially to relieve pain