单词 | silent |
释义 | silent1 of 2adjective si·lent ˈsī-lənt 1 a : making no utterance : not speaking or making noise He was silent for a full minute, as he often is when answering a hard question. They all fell silent, looking rather scared. b : tending to speak very little : not loquacious As a former silent person, part of me gravitates to talkers. When ABC's promos boast the crime unit portrayed here is not "your father's FBI," it's insinuating that dad's FBI agents were balding, nerdy guys or the stereotypical strong, silent types. 2 : free from sound or noise : still The house was eerily silent. 3 : performed or borne without utterance : unspoken silent prayer silent grief 4 a : making no mention history is silent about this person b : not widely or generally known or appreciated the silent pressures on a person in public office c : making no protest or outcry the silent majority 5 : unpronounced the silent b in doubt 6 medical a(1) : not exhibiting or producing the usual signs or symptoms of presence silent urinary tract infections A "silent stroke" has none of the warning signs of a larger stroke: severe headaches, dizziness, loss of motor skills. Often victims do not realize they have had strokes. (2) : relating to or being an infectious disease or pathogen that spreads undetected within a population Chlamydia can cause fertility problems for women, but is generally asymptomatic, meaning the infection presents no immediate symptoms, said Dr. James Gaskell, health commissioner for the Athens City-County Health Department. As a result, it spreads quickly in dense populations like college campuses, he said. "It's a silent spreader, if you will," Gaskell said. b : being, involving, or caused by an asymptomatic or presymptomatic infectious individual silent spread/transmission of contagious disease Since a novel coronavirus first made its presence known in China, public health officials around the world have had one fervent hope: That people who are infected but not sick would pass the virus to others only rarely. That would give these silent spreaders no more than a bit part in driving a global outbreak. That hope is in danger of being dashed. 7 a : made without spoken dialogue silent movies b : of or relating to silent movies silently adverb silentness noun silent 2 of 2noun : a motion picture made without spoken dialogue —usually used in plural silent 1 of 2 adjective1 as in mute deliberately refraining from speech the suddenly silent child had to be prompted to say hello Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in reserved tending not to speak frequently (as by habit or inclination) a naturally silent boy, he was often overshadowed by his louder siblings Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in quiet mostly or entirely without sound the room was so silent that you could have heard the proverbial pin drop Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
silent 2 of 2nounas in talkie Synonyms & Similar Words
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