Recent Examples on the WebProfessional massage therapists typically provide larger sheets to drape clients as a way to avoid unwanted exposure of their clients’ private parts. Brent Schrotenboer, USA TODAY, 2 Aug. 2022 As the camera pulls back, it's revealed that Meloni is completely nude, with his private parts pixelated. Anna Lazarus Caplan,, 14 July 2022 Throughout the minute-long video, Meloni does weight lifting, yoga, kickboxing and even goes for a run wearing just socks and sneakers, while his private parts are blurred out. Amy Haneline, USA TODAY, 15 July 2022 Yes, the appearance of your private parts may change with age. Corinne Sullivan, Woman's Day, 15 July 2022 Ever the comedian, Sandler made light of the situation by joking about a trio of seagulls who mistook his floating private parts for some tasty treats. Andrea Towers,, 7 June 2022 In a short but impactful performance in The Getaway (1972), Hopkins’ Frank Jackson gets his private parts blown off by his partner Rudy (Al Lettieri) during another bank robbery. Chris Koseluk, The Hollywood Reporter, 28 May 2022 In a series of photos shared to Instagram on Monday (May 9), the pop star posed fully nude, with her usual emojis covering her private parts. Rania Aniftos, Billboard, 9 May 2022 Ensuing episodes spend less time ogling private parts, male or female, but the scene feels like a mission statement for the entire show’s frank, playful approach to sexuality. Angie Han, The Hollywood Reporter, 16 Mar. 2022 See More