单词 | primary |
释义 | primary1 of 2adjective pri·ma·ry ˈprī-ˌmer-ē ˈprī-mə-rē, ˈprīm-rē 1 : first in order of time or development : primitive the primary stage of civilization the primary lesion of a disease 2 a : of first rank, importance, or value : principal the primary purpose b : basic, fundamental security is a primary need c : of, relating to, or constituting the principal flight feathers of a bird's wing d : of or relating to agriculture, forestry, and the extractive industries or their products e : expressive of present or future time primary tense f : of, relating to, or constituting the strongest of the three or four degrees of stress recognized by most linguists the first syllable of basketball carries primary stress 3 a : direct, firsthand primary sources of information b : not derivable from other colors, odors, or tastes c : preparatory to something else in a continuing process primary instruction d : of or relating to a primary school primary education e : of or relating to a primary election a primary candidate f : belonging to the first group or order in successive divisions, combinations, or ramifications primary nerves g : directly derived from ores primary metals h : of, relating to, or being the amino acid sequence in proteins primary protein structure 4 : resulting from the substitution of one of two or more atoms or groups in a molecule a primary amine especially : being or characterized by a carbon atom having a bond to only one other carbon atom 5 : of, relating to, involving, or derived from primary meristem primary tissue primary growth 6 : of, relating to, or involved in the production of organic substances by green plants primary productivity 7 : providing primary care a primary physician primary 2 of 2noun plural primaries 1 : something that stands first in rank, importance, or value : fundamental —usually used in plural 2 : the celestial body around which one or more other celestial bodies revolve especially : the more massive usually brighter component of a binary star system 3 : one of the usually 9 or 10 strong flight feathers on the distal joint of a bird's wing see wing illustration 4 a : primary color b : the sensation of seeing primary colors 5 a : caucus b : an election in which qualified voters nominate or express a preference for a particular candidate or group of candidates for political office, choose party officials, or select delegates for a party convention 6 : the coil that is connected to the source of electricity in an induction coil or transformer called also primary coil primary adjective1 as in main coming before all others in importance the primary concern for many house hunters is the asking price Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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2 as in immediate done or working without something else coming in between a crop failure that was the primary cause of the famine Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in chief highest in rank or authority the movie's primary screenwriter Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in preliminary coming before the main part or item usually to introduce or prepare for what follows a few minutes of primary instruction in the use of our diving gear before we actually got into the water Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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