

单词 on the order of


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or·​der ˈȯr-dər How to pronounce order (audio)
ordered; ordering ˈȯr-d(ə-)riŋ How to pronounce order (audio)

transitive verb

: to put in order : arrange
The books are ordered alphabetically by author.
: to give an order to : command
They ordered everyone out of the house.
: destine, ordain
so ordered by the gods
: to command to go or come to a specified place
ordered back to the base
: to give an order for
order a meal
I ordered the books from the company's website.
The judge ordered a new trial.

intransitive verb

: to bring about order : regulate
a renascence of the spirit that orders and controls H. G. Wells
: to issue orders : command
The general orders and soldiers obey.
: to give or place an order
Be sure to order before it's too late.
ˈȯr-d(ə-)rə-bəl How to pronounce order (audio)
ˈȯr-dər-ər How to pronounce order (audio)


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: a group of people united in a formal way: such as
: a fraternal society
the Masonic Order
: a community under a religious rule
especially : one requiring members to take solemn vows
: a badge or medal of such a society
also : a military decoration
: any of the several grades of the Christian ministry
orders plural : the office of a person in the Christian ministry
orders plural : ordination
: a rank, class, or special group in a community or society
: a class of persons or things grouped according to quality, value, or natural characteristics: such as
: a category of taxonomic classification ranking above the family and below the class
: the broadest category in soil classification
: rank, level
a statesman of the first order
: category, class
in emergencies of this order R. B. Westerfield
: the arrangement or sequence of objects or of events in time
listed the items in order of importance
the batting order
: a sequential arrangement of mathematical elements
: degree sense 12a
: the number of times differentiation is applied successively
derivatives of higher order
of a differential equation : the order of the derivative of highest order
: the number of columns or rows or columns and rows in a magic square, determinant, or matrix
the order of a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns is 2 by 3
: the number of elements in a finite mathematical group
: a sociopolitical system
was opposed to changes in the established order
: a particular sphere or aspect of a sociopolitical system
the present economic order
: a regular or harmonious arrangement
the order of nature
: a prescribed form of a religious service : rite
: the customary mode of procedure especially in debate
point of order
: the state of peace, freedom from confused or unruly behavior, and respect for law or proper authority
promised to restore order
see also law and order
: a specific rule, regulation, or authoritative direction : command
: a style of building
: a type of column and entablature forming the unit of a style
: state or condition especially with regard to functioning or repair
things were in terrible order
: a proper, orderly, or functioning condition
their passports were in order
the phone is out of order
: a written direction to pay money to someone
: a commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods or to perform work
: goods or items bought or sold
: an assigned or requested undertaking
landing men on the moon was a tall order
: order of the day
flat roofs were the order in the small villages
ˈȯr-dər-ləs How to pronounce order (audio)

Illustration of order

Illustration of order
  • 1 Corinthian
  • 2 Doric
  • 3 Ionic
in order
: appropriate, desirable
an apology is in order
in order to
: for the purpose of
on order
: in the process of being ordered
on the order of
: after the fashion of : like
a genius on the order of Newton D. B. Botkin
: about, approximately
spent on the order of two million dollars
to order
: according to the specifications of an order
shoes made to order



  • arrange
  • array
  • classify
  • codify
  • dispose
  • draw up
  • lay out
  • marshal
  • marshall
  • organize
  • range
  • systematize


  • arrangement
  • array
  • disposal
  • disposition
  • distribution
  • ordering
  • sequence
  • setup
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Verb They ordered everyone out of the house. The soldiers were ordered back to the base. “Stop! Drop your weapon!” ordered the officer. The court threw out the conviction and ordered a new trial. The judge ordered that the charges be dismissed. He was accused of ordering the murder of his wife. I ordered the books from the company's website. The shirt you ordered should arrive in the mail in a couple of days. To order, call the number at the bottom of your screen. Order now and receive a free gift! Noun That's an order, not a request! Failing to comply with an order will result in the loss of your job. She received an order to appear in court. They can't close down the school without an order from the governor's office. The mayor gave an order to evacuate the city. It's not his fault. He was only following orders. I'm not taking orders from you! You're not my boss. The city was evacuated by order of the mayor. The store received an order for 200 roses this morning. They had trouble filling large customer orders. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Long-sleeve shirts will be available to order until September 30. cleveland, 19 Sep. 2022 The Parole Board could release him, delay consideration for years or order him to serve the rest of his life in prison. Andrew Wolfson, The Courier-Journal, 19 Sep. 2022 Federal prosecutors had requested Shubb to order Papini, a mother of two, to serve her sentence in prison but asked for only eight months. Bill Hutchinson, ABC News, 19 Sep. 2022 Otto surmised that to both avoid war and cement her power, Rhaenyra would order Alicent and Viserys' children executed. Ryan Parker, Peoplemag, 18 Sep. 2022 And on private property, an officer who decides someone is interfering or the area is unsafe can order the person to stop filming even if the recording is being made with the owner’s permission. Bob Christie, Anchorage Daily News, 17 Sep. 2022 Some hard-line Russian politicians and military bloggers have lamented manpower shortages and urged the Kremlin to follow Ukraine's example and order broad mobilization to beef up the ranks. Arkansas Online, 17 Sep. 2022 Emomali Rakhmon agreed to order a ceasefire and troop pullback at a regional summit in Uzbekistan, Japarov's office said. Reuters, CNN, 17 Sep. 2022 Individual transit agencies in L.A. County could still choose to order their own mask mandates. Los Angeles Times, 16 Sep. 2022
The crisp dialogue defines characters in short order; the parts are uniformly well cast and played, and even the minor roles feel full-bodied. Robert Lloyd, Los Angeles Times, 7 Sep. 2022 In short order, the two become allies, hunting together. Meghan Cox Gurdon, WSJ, 2 Sep. 2022 By contrast, if Herro was deemed too valuable to be packaged along with other assets this summer, then that commitment could, in short order, be shown with a nine-figure contract commitment. Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 2 Sep. 2022 And after a slow start, the federal government has now doled out approximately 800,000 vaccine vials, with a heady supply arriving in short order. Benjamin Ryan, NBC News, 2 Sep. 2022 In chronological order, here are the games in which the visiting school could earn a big win in addition to a seven-figure boon. Eddie Timanus, USA TODAY, 31 Aug. 2022 Once Watkins returned for the fifth, three more runs scored in short order, ending Baltimore’s streak of quality starts at five games. Andy Kostka, Baltimore Sun, 30 Aug. 2022 In chronological order, here are the 27 best horror movies of the '90s. Lea Anderson, Men's Health, 29 Aug. 2022 The financial services industry also relies on GNSS time-stamping to place all of its interactions in chronological order, for regulatory oversight. WIRED, 27 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English, from ordre, noun


Middle English, from Anglo-French ordre, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin ordin-, ordo ecclesiastical order, from Latin, arrangement, group, class; akin to Latin ordiri to lay the warp, begin

First Known Use


13th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Kids Definition

order 1 of 2


or·​der ˈȯr-dər How to pronounce order (audio)
ordered; ordering
: to put into a particular grouping or sequence : arrange
Dictionary entries are ordered alphabetically.
: to give a command to or for
The general ordered troops into battle.
I went to the counter to order lunch.


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: a certain rule or regulation : command
… when he gave orders … everyone knew … that he expected to be obeyed. Anna Sewell, Black Beauty
: the arrangement of objects or events in space or time
List the names in alphabetical order.
: the way something should be
He kept the room in order.
: the state of things when law or authority is obeyed
Troops restored order after the riot.
: good working condition
The telephone is out of order.
: a statement of what a person wants to buy
Place your order for a birthday cake.
: goods or items bought or sold an order of pancakes
: a group of people united (as by living under the same religious rules or by loyalty to common needs or duties)
He belongs to an order of monks.
orders plural : the office of a person in the Christian ministry
holy orders
: a group of related living things (as plants or animals) that ranks above the family and below the class in scientific classification
Bats form an order of mammals in the animal kingdom.
: a written direction to pay a sum of money

Medical Definition

order 1 of 2

transitive verb

or·​der ˈȯrd-ər How to pronounce order (audio)
ordered; ordering ˈȯrd-(ə-)riŋ How to pronounce order (audio)
: to give a prescription for : prescribe
the doctor ordered bed rest


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: a category of taxonomic classification ranking above the family and below the class

Legal Definition

order 1 of 2


: a state of peace, freedom from unruly behavior, and respect for law and proper authority
maintain law and order
: an established mode or state of procedure
a call to order
: a mandate from a superior authority see also executive order
: a ruling or command made by a competent administrative authority
specifically : one resulting from administrative adjudication and subject to judicial review and enforcement
an administrative order may not be inconsistent with the Constitution Wells v. State, 654 So. 2d 145 (1995)
: an authoritative command issued by the court
violated a court order and was jailed for contempt
cease-and-desist order \\ ˌsēs-​ənd-​di-​ˈzist-​, -​ˈsist-​ \\
: an order from a court or quasi-judicial tribunal to stop engaging in a particular activity or practice (as an unfair labor practice) compare injunction, mandamus, stay
consent order
: an agreement of litigating parties that by consent takes the form of a court order
final order
: an order of a court or quasi-judicial tribunal which leaves nothing further to be determined or accomplished in that forum except execution of the judgment and from which an appeal will lie
gag order
: an order barring public disclosure or discussion (as by the involved parties or the press) of information relating to a case
order to show cause
: an order requiring the prospective object of a legal action to show cause why that action should not take place

called also show cause order

pretrial order
: a court order setting out the rulings, stipulations, and other actions taken at a pretrial conference
protection order
: restraining order in this entry
protective order
: an order issued for the protection of a particular party: as
a : an order that limits, denies, or defers discovery by a party in order to prevent undue embarrassment, expense, oppression, or disclosure of trade secrets
b : restraining order in this entry
qualified domestic relations order
: an order, decree, or judgment that satisfies the criteria set out in section 414 of the Internal Revenue Code for the payment of all or part of individual pension, profit sharing, or retirement benefits usually to a divorcing spouse (as for alimony or child support)

Note: The alienation or assignment of funds under a qualified domestic relations order does not affect the tax status of the plan from which such funds are paid.

restraining order \\ ri-​ˈstrā-​niŋ-​ \\
: temporary restraining order in this entry
: an order of a specified duration issued after a hearing attended by all parties that is intended to protect one individual from violence, abuse, harassment, or stalking by another especially by prohibiting or restricting access or proximity to the protected party excluded from the home by a restraining order issued because of domestic violence

called also protection order, protective order

compare temporary restraining order in this entry
show cause order
: order to show cause in this entry
temporary restraining order
: an order of brief duration that is issued ex parte to protect the plaintiff's rights from immediate and irreparable injury by preserving a situation or preventing an act until a hearing for a preliminary injunction can be held
: a protective order issued ex parte for a brief period prior to a hearing on a restraining order attended by both parties and intended to provide immediate protection from violence or threatened violence
turnover order \\ ˈtər-​ˌnō-​vər-​ \\
: an order commanding one party to turn over property to another
especially : an order commanding a judgment debtor to turn over assets to a judgment creditor
turnover order in aid of execution California Code of Civil Procedure
: a command issued by a military superior
: a direction regarding the party to whom a negotiable instrument shall be paid
pay to the order of John Doe
see also money order, negotiable instrument
: an instruction or authorization especially to buy or sell goods or securities or to perform work
a purchase order
a work order
alternative order
: an order to a broker in which alternative methods of carrying out the order (as by buying or selling) are set forth
open order
: an order to buy securities or commodity futures that remains effective until filled or canceled
: an order for merchandise expressed in very general terms so that the seller has considerable latitude in selecting the articles actually provided
stop order
: an order to a broker to buy or sell a security when the price advances or declines to a designated level
: goods or items bought or sold
the order was received in good condition


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: payable to a named person or to an individual that person names by an endorsement
order instrument
compare bearer

on the order of


as in similar
having qualities in common They traveled something on the order of 1,000 miles before reaching Yosemite.

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • similar
  • alike
  • analogous
  • comparable
  • like
  • such
  • correspondent
  • synonymous
  • parallel
  • corresponding
  • matching
  • cognate
  • connate
  • resembling
  • equivalent
  • identical
  • relatable
  • suchlike
  • twin
  • ditto
  • akin
  • resemblant
  • allied
  • related
  • interchangeable
  • same
  • congenial
  • homogeneous
  • virtual
  • entire
  • coincident
  • substitutable
  • homogenous
  • redundant
  • consistent
  • proportionate
  • kindred
  • consonant
  • congenerous
  • kin
  • coextensive
  • fungible
  • commensurate
  • unchanging
  • conformable
  • congeneric
  • duplicate
  • approaching
  • selfsame
  • indistinguishable
  • uniform
  • connatural
  • me-too
  • tantamount
  • equal
  • conforming
  • approximating
  • close
  • unvaried
  • unvarying

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • different
  • diverse
  • unlike
  • dissimilar
  • distinct
  • variable
  • various
  • unakin
  • disparate
  • varied
  • noninterchangeable
  • distinguishable
  • varying
  • nonequivalent
  • inaccurate
  • unrelated
  • unconnected
  • inexact
  • imprecise
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