单词 | on |
释义 | on1 of 7preposition ˈȯn 1 a —used as a function word to indicate position in contact with and supported by the top surface of the book is lying on the table b —used as a function word to indicate position in or in contact with an outer surface the fly landed on the ceilingI have a cut on my fingerpaint on the wall c —used as a function word to indicate position in close proximity with a village on the seastay on your opponent d —used as a function word to indicate the location of something on the lefton the south side of the houseon the farm 2 a —used as a function word to indicate a source of attachment or support on a stringstand on one foothang it on a nail b —used as a function word to indicate a source of dependence you can rely on mefeeds on insectslives on a pension c —used as a function word to indicate means of conveyance on the bus d —used as a function word to indicate presence in the possession of had a knife on him 3 —used as a function word to indicate a time frame during which something takes place a parade on Sunday or an instant, action, or occurrence when something begins or is done on cueon arriving home, I found your letternews on the hourcash on delivery 4 archaic : of 5 a —used as a function word to indicate manner of doing something —often used with the on the slykeep everything on the up-and-up b —used as a function word to indicate means or agency cut myself on a knifetalk on the telephone c —used as a function word to indicate a medium of expression on stagebest show on television 6 a(1) —used as a function word to indicate active involvement in a condition or status on the increaseon the lookout (2) : regularly using or showing the effects of using on drugs b —used as a function word to indicate involvement or participation on touron the teamon duty c —used as a function word to indicate inclusion put it on the agenda d —used as a function word to indicate position or status in proper relationship with a standard or objective on schedule 7 a —used as a function word to indicate reason, ground, or basis (as for an action, opinion, or computation) I have it on good authorityon one conditionthe interest will be 10 cents on the dollar b —used as a function word to indicate the cause or source profited on the sale of stock c —used as a function word to indicate the focus of obligation or responsibility drinks are on the houseput the blame on me 8 a —used as a function word to indicate the object of collision, opposition, or hostile action bumped my head on a limban attack on religionpulled a gun on me b —used as a function word to indicate the object with respect to some disadvantage, handicap, or detriment has three inches in height on mea 3-game lead on the second-place teamthe joke's on me 9 a —used as a function word to indicate destination or the focus of some action, movement, or directed effort crept up on himfeast your eyes on thisworking on my skiingmade a payment on the loan b —used as a function word to indicate the focus of feelings, determination, or will have pity on mekeen on sportsa curse on you c —used as a function word to indicate the object with respect to some misfortune or disadvantageous event the crops died on them d —used as a function word to indicate the subject of study, discussion, or consideration a book on insectsreflect on that a momentagree on price e : with respect to go light on the salt short on cash 10 —used as a function word to indicate reduplication or succession in a series loss on losstrouble on trouble on 2 of 7adverb1 a : in or into a position of contact with an upper surface especially so as to be positioned for use or operation put the plates on b : in or into a position of being attached to or covering a surface especially : in or into the condition of being worn put his new shoes on 2 a : forward or at a more advanced point in space or time went on home later on b : in continuance or succession rambled on and so on 3 : into operation or a position permitting operation switched the light on on 3 of 7adjective1 : engaged in an activity or function (such as a dramatic role) 2 a(1) : being in operation The radio is on. (2) : placed so as to permit operation The switch is on. b : taking place or being broadcast The game is on. 3 : aware of something —usually used with to My boss was on to me. 4 : intended, planned has nothing on for tonight 5 British : talking or harping incessantly —used with about 6 chiefly British : regarded as possible or feasible —usually used in negative constructions 7 a : engaged in or as if in a performance The comedian was always on. b : being at a high level of performance ON 4 of 7abbreviation variants or Ont Ontario -on 5 of 7noun suffix (1) : chemical compound not a ketone or other oxo compound parathion -on 6 of 7noun suffix (2)1 : subatomic particle nucleon 2 a : unit : quantum photon magneton b : basic hereditary component cistron operon -on 7 of 7noun suffix (3) : noble gas radon on 1 of 3 preposition1 as in regarding having to do with books on sports heroes are my favorite reading matter Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
2 as in upon in or into contact with don't lean on that ladder—you'll knock it over Synonyms & Similar Words
on 2 of 3adverb1 as in forward toward a point ahead in space or time we really must move on now if we're going to end this meeting before midnight Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in along toward or at a point lying in advance in space or time he's getting on in years and doesn't see or hear as well as he used to Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
on 3 of 3adjectiveas in operating being in effective operation please don't leave the sanding machine on if you're not going to be near it Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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