Recent Examples on the WebWith over 3,000 different species on record, the nudibranch is an extremely versatile kind of sea slug. Courtney Linder, Popular Mechanics, 17 Aug. 2022 And why does the embryo of a marine organism like a sea slug develop differently from that of a sea urchin? David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 July 2022 On a beach vacation, a venomous sea slug probably isn’t high on your must-see list. Megan Marples, CNN, 8 Apr. 2022 According to Fisher, the Blue Glacus creatures are also known as blue dragons and are a form of a sea slug known as Glaucus atlanticus that swims upside down to show off its colors. Priscilla Aguirre, Chron, 8 Apr. 2022 One sea slug that Pierce has studied extensively, Elysia chlorotica, can go the rest of its life without eating—moseying, mating, vibing—after just one algae-rich binge in its youth. Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic, 28 Sep. 2021 The year in ocean news brought about quite a few surprises, including the discovery of a self-decapitating sea slug and the return to popularity of sea shanties. Danielle Hall And Alia N. Payne, Smithsonian Magazine, 22 Dec. 2021 For example, the Hilton’s nudibranch, a predatory sea slug, expanded northward during the Blob, which led to a decline in local nudibranchs. Erica Nielsen, The Conversation, 4 Oct. 2021 Nowadays, plant and algae chloroplasts can’t get by without protein cargo that’s manufactured exclusively out of genes in the nucleus, which doesn’t survive the sea slug’s discerning digestion. Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic, 28 Sep. 2021 See More