Recent Examples on the WebSew a hand-running stitch along the edge of one of the long sides. Amy Mitchell, Country Living, 30 Aug. 2022 This repair uses a visible mending technique with a simple running stitch. Ebony Roberts, Outside Online, 1 Nov. 2021 Cut away the excess fabric following around the hoop about one inch from the running stitch. Emily Vanschmus, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Apr. 2021 Stitch a long running stitch around the outer portion of the hoop about one inch away, leaving long tails of thread at the beginning and end. Emily Vanschmus, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Apr. 2021 Cut two pieces of the felt using the paper guide, then sew the felt pieces together with a running stitch, leaving the bottom of the fin open. Jessy Ellenberger, Woman's Day, 9 Sep. 2019