Recent Examples on the WebEach scute has concentric growth rings at the center, which have been often cited—perhaps erroneously—as a way to estimate their age.National Geographic, 26 Mar. 2020 Even today, bones and scutes are sold as medicine from China to Mexico. Craig Welch, National Geographic, 20 Sep. 2019 All but leatherbacks, with their layer of thick skin, have bony external skeletons covered in scutes of keratin, the material found in rhinoceros horns and our own fingernails. Craig Welch, National Geographic, 20 Sep. 2019 In lieu of scales, bony plates called scutes cover the sturgeon’s cartilaginous bodies. Julia Kramer, Bon Appetit, 6 Feb. 2017 In lieu of scales, bony plates called scutes cover the sturgeon’s cartilaginous bodies. Julia Kramer, Bon Appetit, 6 Feb. 2017
Word History
New Latin scutum, from Latin, shield — more at esquire