单词 | in |
释义 | in1 of 11preposition ˈin ən, ᵊn 1 a —used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits in the lakewounded in the legin the summer b : into sense 1 went in the house 2 —used as a function word to indicate means, medium, or instrumentality written in pencilbound in leather 3 a —used as a function word to indicate limitation, qualification, or circumstance alike in some respectsleft in a hurry b : into sense 4a broke in pieces 4 —used as a function word to indicate purpose said in reply 5 —used as a function word to indicate the larger member of a ratio one in six is eligible in 2 of 11adverb ˈin 1 a(1) : to or toward the inside especially of a house or other building come in (2) : to or toward some destination or particular place flew in on the first plane (3) : at close quarters : near play close in b : so as to incorporate mix in the flour —often used in combination built-in bookcases c : to or at an appropriate place fit a piece in 2 a : within a particular place especially : within the customary place of residence or business the doctor is in b : in the position of participant, insider, or officeholder —often used with on in on the joke c(1) : on good terms (2) : in a specified relation in bad with the boss (3) : in a position of assured or definitive success d : in vogue or season e of an oil well : in production f : in one's presence, possession, or control after the crops are in g : from a condition of indistinguishability to one of clarity fade in in 3 of 11adjective ˈin 1 a : that is located inside or within the in part b : that is in position, operation, or power the in party c : inside sense 2 2 : that is directed or bound inward : incoming the in train 3 a : extremely fashionable the in thing to do b : keenly aware of and responsive to what is new and fashionable the in crowd in 4 of 11noun ˈin 1 : one who is in office or power or on the inside a matter of ins versus outs 2 : influence, pull enjoyed some sort of in with the commandant— in 5 of 11abbreviation (1)1 inch 2 inlet In 6 of 11symbol indium IN 7 of 11abbreviation (2) Indiana in- 8 of 11prefix (1) variants or il- or im- or ir- : not : non-, un- —usually il- before l illogical , im- before b, m, or p imbalanceimmoralimpractical , ir- before r irreducible , and in- before other sounds inconclusive in- 9 of 11prefix (2) variants or il- or im- or ir- 1 : in : within : into : toward : on —usually il- before l illuviation , im- before b, m, or p immingle , ir- before r irradiance , and in- before other sounds infiltrate 2 : en- entry 1 imbrute imperil inspirit -in 10 of 11noun suffix1 a : neutral chemical compound insulin b : enzyme pancreatin c : antibiotic penicillin 2 : -ine entry 2 sense 1a epinephrin 3 : pharmaceutical product niacin -in 11 of 11noun combining form : organized public protest by means of or in favor of : demonstration teach-in love-in in 1 of 4 prepositionas in with using the means or agency of drawn on the wall in crayon Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
in 2 of 4adverbas in close at, within, or to a short distance or time the fielders closed in Synonyms & Similar Words
in 3 of 4adjective1 as in happening being in the latest or current fashion the in hairstyle this spring Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in fashionable enjoying widespread favor or approval the in thing to do is not always the right thing to do Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in downtown keenly aware of and responsive to the latest developments especially in fashion and entertainment in gearheads had already decided that the format was a loser Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in present being within the confines of a specified place the doctor isn't in right now Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
in 4 of 4nounas in influence the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others usually indirectly her years of experience with the federal regulatory agency gives her a tremendous in as a lobbyist for the nuclear power industry Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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