Recent Examples on the WebThe grand explanation physicists use to describe how the universe works may have some major new flaws to patch after a fundamental particle was found to have more mass than scientists thought. Seth Borenstein, Anchorage Daily News, 8 Apr. 2022 Einstein arrived at general relativity through abstract thoughts about falling elevators and warped space and time, but the theory also follows directly from the mathematically consistent behavior of a fundamental particle.Quanta Magazine, 9 Dec. 2019 Until its discovery, the Higgs was also the last missing piece of the vaunted Standard Model of particle physics, a unified description of all known fundamental particles and forces (except for gravity). Daniel Garisto, Scientific American, 26 Feb. 2020 Just 1 year later, British theorist Peter Higgs fleshed out that idea in a bit of theory that ultimately has become particle theorists’ explanation of how all fundamental particles get their mass from interactions with the vacuum. Adrian Cho, Science | AAAS, 30 Mar. 2020 When these two come into contact with each other in today’s universe, they are annihilated in a burst of light and more exotic fundamental particles. Jonathan O'callaghan, Scientific American, 19 Feb. 2020 The laws of physics, as experts currently understand them, dictate the following: Every fundamental particle has an antimatter twin. Sophia Chen, Wired, 19 Feb. 2020 In addition, physicists have studied hypothetical fundamental particles by observing stand-ins called quasiparticles.Quanta Magazine, 27 Aug. 2018 This theorized field also came with its associated fundamental particle, what’s now called the Higgs boson. Michael Greshko, National Geographic, 5 Dec. 2019 See More