Recent Examples on the WebNow Wikipedia is seeking to rebalance its relationships with Google and other big tech firms like Amazon, Facebook, and Apple, whose platforms and virtual assistants lean on Wikipedia as a cost-free virtual crib sheet. Noam Cohen, Wired, 16 Mar. 2021 Asked at yesterday’s briefing about Smith’s disparaging remarks about the troubled Lockheed Martin F-35 program, spokesman John Kirby read from a crib sheet a defense of sorts. Jamie Mcintyre, Washington Examiner, 10 Mar. 2021 Below: a crib sheet of seven perfect combinations for fall sweater and jewelry dressing—and a few extra tips for giving your mask a little lift too. Daisy Shaw-ellis, Vogue, 6 Oct. 2020 Each page of her website and her award-winning is like an index-card crib sheet with just the right information to get you through the next fraught dinner party conversation, and to stimulate your appetite for more wine knowledge. Dave Mcintyre, Washington Post, 8 May 2020 This crib sheet of warning signs to watch out for, created by nurses who specialize in maternal and neonatal health, is a true lifesaver. Nina Martin, ProPublica, 19 Mar. 2020