释义 |
1 as in outspoken free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions a surprisingly freehearted political candidate -
outspoken -
honest -
candid -
forthcoming -
frank -
straightforward -
vocal -
direct -
open -
unguarded -
free-spoken -
plainspoken -
unreserved -
straight -
plain -
openhearted -
forthright -
foursquare -
earnest -
unaffected -
blunt -
undesigning -
real -
out-front -
uninhibited -
up-front -
naive -
outgoing -
artless -
sincere -
guileless -
innocent -
unrestrained -
rude -
ingenuous -
natural -
vociferous -
unpretentious -
crusty -
gruff -
unpretending -
bluff -
brusque -
naïve -
thoughtless -
abrupt -
tactless -
ungracious -
curt -
sharp -
impolite -
uncivil -
unsubtle -
undiplomatic -
inconsiderate -
impertinent -
unmannerly -
brusk -
uncandid -
inhibited -
restrained -
reserved -
quiet -
ambiguous -
reticent -
laconic -
taciturn -
dissembling -
unforthcoming -
diplomatic -
uncommunicative -
civil -
evasive -
equivocal -
circuitous -
courteous -
tactful -
politic -
close-mouthed -
polite -
tight-lipped -
considerate See More 2 as in generous giving or sharing in abundance and without hesitation a nation of freehearted people and always among the first to send relief to disaster-stricken areas -
generous -
charitable -
liberal -
benevolent -
freehanded -
bountiful -
unselfish -
handsome -
open -
unstinting -
munificent -
bounteous -
openhanded -
bighearted -
fulsome -
largehearted -
unsparing -
free -
compassionate -
kind -
humanitarian -
hospitable -
greathearted -
lavish -
kindly -
philanthropic -
overgenerous -
altruistic -
extravagant -
sympathetic -
profuse -
magnanimous -
philanthropical -
big -
beneficent -
openhearted -
samaritan -
good-hearted -
selfish -
small -
close -
cheap -
parsimonious -
tight -
stingy -
closefisted -
petty -
miserly -
tightfisted -
ungenerous -
uncharitable -
mean -
costive -
niggardly -
illiberal -
penurious -
spare -
frugal -
thrifty -
sparing -
mingy -
desirous -
stinting -
rapacious -
avaricious -
covetous -
chary -
avid -
acquisitive -
itchy -
envious -
hoggish -
grasping -
mercenary -
resentful -
grudging -
begrudging -
stinting -
coveting See More |