释义 |
1 : easily led into evil frail humanity 2 : easily broken or destroyed : fragile … frail, open-cockpit biplanes … Jonathan Weiner 3 a : physically weak a frail old woman a frail voice b : slight, unsubstantial smiled a minute frail smile Raymond Chandler frailly ˈfrā(l)-lē adverb 1 as in fragile easily broken a frail eggshell -
fragile -
delicate -
brittle -
breakable -
weak -
feeble -
frangible -
infirm -
fine -
dainty -
flimsy -
tenuous -
short -
shaky -
soft -
spindly -
gossamer -
friable -
slight -
crumbly -
flaky -
eggshell -
shivery -
tender -
crisp -
inflexible -
crispy -
crushable -
inelastic -
flakey -
stiff -
embrittled -
strong -
sturdy -
tough -
rigid -
hard -
solid -
compact -
substantial -
unyielding -
unbreakable -
resilient -
firm -
supple -
elastic -
flexible -
rubbery -
infrangible -
springy -
nonbreakable -
stretch -
rubberlike -
stretchable See More 2 as in sensitive easily injured without careful handling be careful with your grandmother, as she's very frail and a fall would be disastrous -
fragile -
sensitive -
delicate -
weak -
tender -
vulnerable -
feeble -
brittle -
soft -
puny -
friable -
flimsy -
tenuous -
breakable -
susceptible -
slight -
eggshell -
perishable -
frangible -
crushable -
yielding -
resistless -
unresistant -
nonhardy -
strong -
tough -
sturdy -
hardy -
stiff -
hard -
robust -
stout -
solid -
substantial -
durable -
rugged -
resistant -
sound -
firm -
flinty -
hardened -
unbreakable -
tempered -
strengthened -
infrangible -
toughened -
nonbreakable -
inured See More 3 as in weak lacking bodily strength he was frail after a long battle with bronchitis -
weak -
feeble -
weakened -
infirm -
disabled -
enfeebled -
debilitated -
faint -
fragile -
vulnerable -
tired -
paralyzed -
wimpy -
languid -
soft -
asthenic -
delicate -
tender -
exhausted -
incapacitated -
unsubstantial -
slight -
injured -
effete -
softened -
prostrated -
prostrate -
sapped -
low -
enervated -
weary -
wimpish -
wasted -
decrepit -
unsteady -
down-and-out -
challenged -
powerless -
impotent -
damaged -
invalid -
flimsy -
drained -
impaired -
susceptible -
breakable -
dizzy -
hurt -
lame -
rocky -
broken-down -
woozy -
groggy -
unsound -
resistless -
worn-out -
harmed -
flagging -
yielding -
unresistant -
strong -
powerful -
mighty -
stout -
muscular -
sinewy -
rugged -
stalwart -
virile -
beefy -
athletic -
husky -
sturdy -
hardy -
brawny -
robust -
hard -
tough -
fit -
strapping -
vigorous -
lusty -
energetic -
hardened -
healthy -
capable -
fortified -
hale -
strengthened -
competent -
sound -
toughened -
able-bodied -
vitalized -
energized -
inured -
recovering -
red-blooded -
invigorated -
convalescing -
recuperating See More 4 as in weakened lacking strength of will or character a frail person, easily swayed by others -
weak -
weakened -
soft -
meek -
weakling -
timid -
wimpy -
corrupt -
nerveless -
spineless -
effete -
characterless -
flabby -
invertebrate -
wimpish -
wet -
ineffectual -
weak-kneed -
powerless -
infirm -
limp-wristed -
impotent -
flaccid -
ineffective -
wishy-washy -
milk-and-water -
namby-pamby -
craven -
pliable -
lamblike -
irresolute -
forceless -
submissive -
unnerved -
cowardly -
emasculated -
unscrupulous -
villainous -
unprincipled -
vacillating -
pusillanimous -
sissy -
dastardly -
fainthearted -
impuissant -
poltroon -
nebbishy -
lily-livered -
strong -
hard -
tough -
good -
firm -
virtuous -
moral -
upright -
resolute -
righteous -
right -
ethical -
backboned -
unrelenting -
courageous -
stalwart -
determined -
principled -
mettlesome -
stouthearted See More 5 as in small small in degree a frail hope of success -
small -
off -
slim -
fragile -
outside -
slight -
remote -
tiny -
marginal -
minimal -
negligible -
minor -
little -
large -
good -
great -
healthy -
distinct -
significant -
substantial -
significant -
considerable -
respectable -
sizable -
goodly -
sizeable -
tidy -
largish See More |