Recent Examples on the WebAluminum-26 and beryllium-10 are two examples of cosmogenic nuclides, both found in the mineral quartz. Ashley Strickland, CNN, 28 June 2022 The cosmogenic neutrinos the team hopes to capture are thought to emanate from violent cosmic engines. Daniel Clery, Science | AAAS, 14 July 2021 Typical cosmogenic tritium concentrations in seawater are about 700 Bq/m3 (19 pCi/L), greater than what is in most of these Fukushima tanks. James Conca, Forbes, 12 Apr. 2021 Carbon-14, the isotope that archeologists use in radioactive dating, is cosmogenic—continuously created in Earth’s uppermost atmosphere by cosmic-ray collisions. Adam Davidson, The New Yorker, 13 Feb. 2017