单词 | corrupting |
释义 | corrupt1 of 2verb cor·rupt kə-ˈrəpt corrupted; corrupting; corrupts transitive verb 1 a : to change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions Officials were corrupted by greed. was accused of corrupting the youth also : bribe b : to degrade with unsound principles or moral values Some fear the merger will corrupt the competitive marketplace. 2 : rot, spoil The fruits were transported without being corrupted. 3 : to subject (a person) to corruption of blood 4 : to alter from the original or correct form or version The file was corrupted. intransitive verb 1 a : to become tainted or rotten leaving the bodies to corrupt on the field b : to become morally debased 2 : to cause disintegration or ruin corrupter noun or less commonly corruptor kə-ˈrəp-tər corruptibility kə-ˌrəp-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun corruptible kə-ˈrəp-tə-bəl adjective corruptibly kə-ˈrəp-tə-blē adverb corrupt 2 of 2adjective1 a : morally degenerate and perverted : depraved b : characterized by improper conduct (such as bribery or the selling of favors) corrupt judges 2 : putrid, tainted 3 : adulterated or debased by change from an original or correct condition a corrupt version of the text corruptly kə-ˈrəp(t)-lē adverb corruptness kə-ˈrəp(t)-nəs noun corrupting verb1 as in decomposing to go through decomposition a dead mouse corrupting in the walls produced a terrible smell Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in subverting to lower in character, dignity, or quality some observers believe that grossly violent movies corrupt the people who watch them as well as the people who make them Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in bribing to influence someone with a bribe he bragged about having corrupted half of the officials on the city council Synonyms & Similar Words
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