

单词 complexed


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com·​plex ˈkäm-ˌpleks How to pronounce complex (audio)
: a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts
a complex of welfare programs
the military-industrial complex
: a group of culture traits relating to a single activity (such as hunting), process (such as use of flint), or culture unit
: a group of repressed desires and memories that exerts a dominating influence upon the personality
a guilt complex
: an exaggerated reaction to or preoccupation with a subject or situation
He has always had a complex about spiders.
She has a weight complex.
Not being able to find a job was giving me a complex.
: a group of obviously related units of which the degree and nature of the relationship is imperfectly known
: the sum of factors (such as symptoms) characterizing a disease or condition
primary tuberculous complex
: a chemical association of two or more species (such as ions or molecules) joined usually by weak electrostatic bonds rather than covalent bonds
: a building or group of buildings housing related units
an apartment complex
a sports complex


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com·​plex käm-ˈpleks How to pronounce complex (audio)
: composed of two or more parts : composite
a complex mixture of chemicals
of a word : having a bound form as one or more of its immediate constituents
Unmanly is a complex word.
of a sentence : consisting of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses
: hard to separate, analyze, or solve
a complex problem
: of, concerned with, being, or containing complex numbers
a complex root
complex analysis
complexly adverb
complexness noun


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com·​plex käm-ˈpleks How to pronounce complex (audio)
complexed; complexing; complexes

transitive verb

: to make complex or into a complex
: chelate
ˌkäm-ˌplek-ˈsā-shən How to pronounce complex (audio)

Did you know?

The Complex Origins of Complex

The word complex lives up to its name, as it contains multiple parts of speech and senses. It serves as an adjective, a noun, and, less commonly, as a verb. The verb use is the oldest of the three, with an original meaning of “to join or unite.” Complex comes from the Latin complecti, which means “to entwine around, to embrace,” a word that is based in part on plectere (“to braid”). English has a number of other words that can be traced to plectere, including perplex, plexus (“an intricately interwoven combination of elements or parts in a cohering structure”), and amplexus (“the mating embrace of some amphibians, such as frogs and toads”).



  • establishment
  • facility
  • installation


  • baroque
  • byzantine
  • complicate
  • complicated
  • convoluted
  • daedal
  • elaborate
  • intricate
  • involute
  • involved
  • knotty
  • labyrinthian
  • labyrinthine
  • sophisticated
  • tangled


  • complexify
  • complicate
  • embarrass
  • entangle
  • perplex
  • sophisticate
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Noun She has a complex about her appearance. a complex of protein molecules Adjective The house's wiring is complex. The situation is more complex than you realize. Verb there's no need to complex what should be a simple process for obtaining a building permit
Recent Examples on the Web
On Monday, after shelling started a fire on the grounds of the complex, the plant was disconnected from the power grid. Eric Nagourney, BostonGlobe.com, 6 Sep. 2022 At least three officers then carried Lewis out by his arms and legs and eventually placed him on the ground of the apartment complex. CBS News, 1 Sep. 2022 There have been at least four escapes this year, as well as a riot in which 20 juveniles took over parts of the complex. From Usa Today Network And Wire Reports, USA TODAY, 26 Aug. 2022 Department officials filed redactions to the documents shortly before the noon Thursday deadline set by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, who approved the warrant for the Aug. 8 search of the complex in West Palm Beach, Fla. Sadie Gurman, WSJ, 25 Aug. 2022 There were other problems: a cyclone struck the structure just one week before opening, damaging beyond repair a freshwater pool that was part of the complex. Jacopo Prisco, CNN, 22 Aug. 2022 The skilled workers and company executives tended to live in South Pullman, while the unskilled workers were funneled to the north side of the complex, Olomoniyi said. Paul Eisenberg, Chicago Tribune, 21 Aug. 2022 Around mid-pandemic in 2020, McConnell said Shiffer moved out of the apartment complex with aspirations to go out West. Scott Wartman, The Enquirer, 12 Aug. 2022 According to a news release, Draper detectives continue to speak with witnesses and residents of the apartment complex as the case remains under investigation. Scott D. Pierce, The Salt Lake Tribune, 11 Aug. 2022
Oxenberg says that life inside a royal family is always more complex behind the scenes. Alexis Jones, Peoplemag, 11 Sep. 2022 The Rhoden family history was complex before this tragedy. Bob Strickley, The Enquirer, 9 Sep. 2022 The financing that makes up the wealth behind the crown is complex. Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 8 Sep. 2022 But while some employers might write that off as overconfidence from an inexperienced applicant, the reality is a bit more complex. Chris Morris, Fortune, 8 Sep. 2022 Their crust is complex, lightly soured with the ideal chew-to-crunch ratio, and topped with equal parts care and exuberance. The Bon Appétit Staff & Contributors, Bon Appétit, 8 Sep. 2022 Tackling the entire world’s inner workings as a topic means that the solutions are necessarily going to be more complex. Carole Horst, Variety, 8 Sep. 2022 Beyond that, finding the line between what is and isn’t appropriate is complex. WIRED, 8 Sep. 2022 Even though the rail line’s second phase was expected to be far less complex than the first, contractors quickly ran into problems. Justin George, Washington Post, 8 Sep. 2022 See More

Word History



borrowed from Latin complexus "embrace, grasp, inclusion" (Late Latin also, "whole, entirety") from complector, complectī "to embrace, grasp, encompass, include" + -tus, suffix of action nouns; (sense 2b (1)) after German Komplex — more at complex entry 2


borrowed from Late Latin complexus "composite, connected, intertwined," going back to Latin, past participle of complector, complectī "to embrace, grasp, encompass, include," from com- com- + -plectī, deponent form of plectere "to plait, twine" — more at ply entry 3


derivative of complex entry 1 or complex entry 2

First Known Use


1643, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1645, in the meaning defined at sense 1a


1658, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Kids Definition



com·​plex käm-ˈpleks How to pronounce complex (audio)
: not easy to understand or explain : not simple
complex instructions
: having parts that go together in complicated ways
a complex invention

Medical Definition

complex 1 of 3


com·​plex käm-ˈpleks How to pronounce complex (audio) kəm-ˈ How to pronounce complex (audio)
: having many varied interrelated parts, patterns, or elements and consequently hard to understand
complex behavior
a complex personality
complex plants and animals
: formed by the union of simpler chemical substances
complex proteins


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com·​plex ˈkäm-ˌpleks How to pronounce complex (audio)
: a group of repressed memories, desires, and ideas that exert a dominant influence on the personality and behavior
a guilt complex
see castration complex, electra complex, inferiority complex, oedipus complex, persecution complex, superiority complex
: a group of chromosomes arranged or behaving in a particular way see gene complex
: a chemical association of two or more species (as ions or molecules) joined usually by weak electrostatic bonds rather than by covalent bonds
: the sum of the factors (as symptoms and lesions) characterizing a disease
primary tuberculous complex


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transitive verb

com·​plex käm-ˈpleks How to pronounce complex (audio) kəm-ˈ How to pronounce complex (audio)
: to form into a complex
RNA complexed with protein
: chelate

intransitive verb

: to form a complex
hormones which must complex with specific receptors



past tense of complex
as in complicated
to make complex or difficult there's no need to complex what should be a simple process for obtaining a building permit

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • complicated
  • sophisticated
  • complexified
  • entangled
  • perplexed
  • intensified
  • embarrassed
  • confused
  • elaborated
  • expanded
  • developed
  • muddled
  • tangled
  • snarled
  • magnified
  • confounded
  • mixed (up)
  • messed (up)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • simplified
  • streamlined
  • abbreviated
  • shortened
  • cut
  • facilitated
  • eased
  • straightened (out)
  • oversimplified
  • disentangled
  • unraveled
  • untangled
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