释义 |
1 : marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies : marked by complacency : self-satisfied a complacent smile 2 : complaisant sense 1 complacent flattery 1 as in nonchalant having or showing a lack of interest or concern the auditors were taken aback by his complacent response to their findings of fraud -
nonchalant -
casual -
apathetic -
careless -
unconcerned -
uninterested -
indifferent -
disinterested -
incurious -
detached -
insouciant -
perfunctory -
uncurious -
stoic -
calm -
numb -
aloof -
callous -
insensible -
cold -
lethargic -
pococurante -
lukewarm -
listless -
halfhearted -
tepid -
dispassionate -
unemotional -
insensitive -
phlegmatic -
unfeeling -
mindless -
stolid -
heedless -
remote -
impassive -
unimpressed -
impervious -
hard-hearted -
stoical -
cool -
aware -
interested -
concerned -
mindful -
attentive -
conscientious -
sensitive -
warm -
zealous -
passionate -
keen -
ardent -
heedful -
fervent -
caring -
warmhearted See More 2 as in smug having too high an opinion of oneself a complacent junior exec who was certain of his indispensability to the company -
smug -
arrogant -
proud -
vain -
confident -
conceited -
selfish -
domineering -
self-satisfied -
important -
prideful -
bigheaded -
vainglorious -
assured -
egotistic -
egoistic -
pompous -
egotistical -
egoistical -
self-conceited -
self-important -
cocky -
swellheaded -
biggety -
stuck-up -
overweening -
consequential -
overconfident -
boastful -
swaggering -
supercilious -
bumptious -
snobbish -
uppity -
cavalier -
haughty -
blusterous -
bombastic -
snobby -
self-opinionated -
snooty -
braggart -
bragging -
disdainful -
assumptive -
uppish -
blustery -
biggity -
braggy -
huffy -
superior -
pretentious -
chesty -
pontifical -
presuming -
presumptuous -
toplofty -
masterful -
imperious -
fastuous -
condescending -
patronizing -
high-and-mighty -
self-contented -
self-assured -
self-assertive -
self-confident -
peremptory -
holier-than-thou -
lordly -
self-asserting -
toploftical -
high-handed -
self-congratulatory -
lofty -
self-engrossed -
self-centered -
hifalutin -
highfalutin -
self-glorifying -
self-dramatizing -
self-adulatory -
self-gratulatory -
high-hat -
self-promoting -
self-applauding -
self-affected -
humble -
timid -
modest -
diffident -
meek -
unassertive -
egoless -
uncomplacent -
sheepish -
unassuming -
bashful -
self-critical -
self-doubting -
unpretentious -
shy -
shrinking -
demure -
retiring -
introverted -
mousy -
self-distrustful -
self-reproachful -
self-reproving -
mousey -
unarrogant -
overmodest -
down-to-earth See More |