释义 |
2 : shaped for a precise fit a fitted sheet especially : shaped to conform to the lines of the body a fitted shirt as in fitting meeting the requirements of a purpose or situation her personality is well fitted to a desk job -
fitting -
suitable -
fit -
appropriate -
proper -
good -
needed -
happy -
meet -
pretty -
balanced -
applicable -
required -
in order -
right -
adequate -
apt -
befitting -
becoming -
acceptable -
deserved -
felicitous -
justified -
able -
satisfactory -
qualified -
trained -
capable -
just -
decent -
competent -
correct -
serviceable -
requisite -
cut out -
decorous -
respectable -
tolerable -
seemly -
condign -
kosher -
harmonious -
consonant -
congruous -
rightful -
pitch-perfect -
companionate -
unsuitable -
wrong -
unfit -
incongruous -
improper -
inapplicable -
unhappy -
unfitting -
incapable -
inappropriate -
inadequate -
unbecoming -
inapt -
unsatisfactory -
unskilled -
indecent -
incompetent -
unseemly -
unmeet -
unqualified -
untrained -
unapt -
unacceptable -
infelicitous -
unbeseeming -
incorrect -
intolerable -
inept -
incompatible -
inexpert -
misbecoming -
inapposite -
unskillful -
malapropos -
indecorous -
uncongenial -
graceless See More past tense of fit 1 as in suited archaic to be fitting or proper we hardly know them, so for Christmas a simple card will fit -
suited -
did -
befitted -
served -
worked -
sufficed -
satisfied -
went -
functioned -
fitted the bill -
filled the bill -
beseemed -
wrought 2 as in corresponded to be in agreement on every point now that you've explained your absence to me, my records and the office's fit -
corresponded -
checked -
answered -
sorted -
consisted -
coincided -
conformed -
dovetailed -
went -
accorded -
matched -
agreed -
tallied -
cohered -
harmonized -
squared -
comported -
chorded -
rhymed -
rimed -
jibed -
aligned -
registered -
paralleled -
equaled -
fell in with -
alined -
equalled -
lined up -
differed (from) -
contradicted -
disagreed (with) -
nullified -
disputed -
negated -
clashed -
jarred -
conflicted -
gainsaid See More 3 as in adjusted to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation I can undo the hem on these old culottes and fit them into a skirt -
adjusted -
tailored -
shaped -
put -
adapted -
fashioned -
suited -
transformed -
converted -
conformed -
accommodated -
conditioned -
acclimatized -
equipped -
edited -
matched -
modified -
acclimated -
prepared -
doctored -
modeled -
readjusted -
customized -
tuned -
established -
altered -
settled -
modelled -
refitted -
geared -
patterned -
corrected -
primed -
rooted -
reworked -
attuned -
oriented -
trained -
readapted -
redesigned -
revised -
harmonized -
squared -
refashioned -
recycled -
acquainted -
orientated -
remodeled -
familiarized -
reinvented -
rehearsed -
readied -
hardened -
rigged -
reengineered -
toughened -
remade -
accustomed -
regulated -
revamped -
habituated -
redeveloped -
recast -
reclaimed -
inured -
refigured -
refocused -
phased -
seasoned -
registered -
rejiggered -
bent -
fine-tuned -
made over -
redid -
habilitated -
naturalized -
fiddled (with) 4 as in equipped to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or function that final computer course should fit him for a career in programming -
equipped -
prepared -
qualified -
adjusted -
adapted -
tailored -
shaped -
trained -
readied -
accustomed -
conditioned -
seasoned -
enabled -
taught -
groomed -
authorized -
entitled -
habituated -
empowered -
educated -
instructed -
schooled -
indoctrinated -
tutored 5 as in accommodated to make or have room for we can fit you in the booth if the rest of us squeeze closer together -
accommodated -
held -
took -
carried -
contained -
enclosed -
seated -
encompassed -
enfolded -
housed -
inclosed -
harbored 6 as in prepared to make ready in advance I won't have time to fit the spare room for the guests -
prepared -
furnished -
fixed -
arranged -
equipped -
provided -
prepped -
supplied -
readied -
groomed -
laid -
mounted -
braced -
primed -
outfitted -
armed -
battened -
fortified -
instructed -
trained -
girded -
educated -
schooled -
gathered -
girt -
steeled -
geared up -
indoctrinated -
tutored -
drafted -
inclined -
set -
framed -
predisposed -
drew up -
spread -
forearmed -
booted (up) -
warmed (up) |