释义 |
1 as in to win to receive as return for effort she's knocking down a good salary, but she has to work very hard -
win -
earn -
gain -
reap -
pull down -
garner -
make -
get -
land -
obtain -
bring in -
realize -
secure -
attain -
capture -
acquire -
come by -
draw -
procure -
carry -
achieve -
bag -
gross -
accomplish -
net -
score -
accumulate -
take over -
pick up -
occupy -
clear -
rack up -
regain -
notch (up) -
amass -
catch -
recapture -
annex -
remake -
reacquire -
reattain -
lose -
pay -
forfeit -
give -
grant -
accord -
yield -
give up -
surrender -
hand over -
part (with) -
relinquish See More 2 as in to take down to take apart right after the holidays the stores start to knock down the window displays -
take down -
disconnect -
break down -
dismantle -
disassemble -
detach -
strike -
dismount -
dismember -
divide -
demount -
separate -
disengage -
disaggregate -
break up -
disarticulate -
disjoint -
dissever -
disjoin -
disunite -
build -
construct -
assemble -
combine -
erect -
unite -
pitch See More 3 as in to drop to strike (someone) so forcefully as to cause a fall the overexcited dog knocked the toddler down -
drop -
knock over -
down -
fell -
mow (down) -
hit -
knock out -
level -
smack -
floor -
bowl (down or over) -
slap -
punch -
throw down -
topple -
slam -
poke -
prostrate -
pound -
bang -
overthrow -
thump -
whack -
jab -
paste -
kayo -
bash -
slug -
swipe -
whale -
hammer -
bludgeon -
thwack -
belt -
sock -
clobber -
smite -
swat -
KO -
wallop -
slog 4 as in to reduce to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent they'll have to knock down the price of those televisions if they expect to sell any -
reduce -
decrease -
lower -
ease -
deplete -
diminish -
cut down -
minimize -
dent -
downsize -
slash -
lessen -
cut -
drop -
abate -
downscale -
dwindle -
cut back -
compress -
de-escalate -
contract -
crop -
trim -
shorten -
nick -
shrink -
clip -
pare -
truncate -
dock -
condense -
prune -
modify -
whittle -
curtail -
moderate -
abbreviate -
retrench -
constrict -
modulate -
deflate -
abridge -
qualify -
increase -
expand -
blow up -
raise -
add (to) -
augment -
boost -
amplify -
escalate -
enlarge -
swell -
extend -
inflate -
prolong -
supplement -
dilate -
complement -
lengthen -
enhance -
elongate -
aggrandize -
intensify -
heighten -
distend -
protract -
redouble See More chiefly British as in decreased -
decreased -
dropped -
under -
depressed -
low -
receded -
down -
increased -
high -
elevated -
heightened -
raised -
maximum -
escalated -
up -
jacked (up) -
full -
extreme -
maximized -
peaked -
utmost -
oversized -
inflated -
oversize -
over -
sky-high -
overloaded -
overfilled -
overlarge -
overflowing -
overfull See More as in knockout -
knockout -
uppercut -
KO -
kayo -
knee -
roundhouse -
left -
swing -
right -
body blow -
kick -
cruncher -
sucker punch -
hammering -
pummeling -
thrashing -
beating -
bludgeoning -
rabbit punch -
one-two -
sidewinder -
battering -
pounding -
shiver -
drubbing -
counterpunch -
clobbering -
counter -
pummelling -
licking -
counterstroke -
bastinado -
pasting -
hand -
blow -
bastinade -
haymaker -
counterblow -
cudgeling -
cudgelling -
lambasting -
whipping -
hit -
knock -
right-hander -
flogging -
punch -
walloping -
whip -
hook -
stroke -
thump -
thud -
chop -
bang -
smack -
clip -
lash -
pound -
bat -
swipe -
bop -
beat -
slug -
switch -
slap -
pelt -
buffet -
plump -
stinger -
wham -
swat -
biff -
whack -
welt -
hack -
belt -
wallop -
thwack -
box -
clap -
smash -
slam -
stripe -
rap -
cuff -
bust -
bash -
fillip -
pick -
spank -
sock -
dab -
poke -
clout -
lick -
whop -
douse -
crack -
whap -
larrup |