Recent Examples on the WebThe 1895 map also revealed something curious: The rear precincts of one downtown faubourg had, for the first time, dipped slightly below sea level. Richard Campanella, The Atlantic, 6 Feb. 2018 This avenue marked the lower limit of the Marigny Plantation and of the original faubourg, despite that current perception places the neighborhood’s lower border at Press Street. Richard Campanella,, 23 Jan. 2018 That same year, residents of Jefferson Parish's lowermost faubourgs incorporated themselves as Lafayette, which enabled them to govern their own affairs. Richard Campanella,, 11 July 2017 This same plantation-to-faubourg process would occur all around New Orleans for decades to come. Richard Campanella,, 12 June 2017
Word History
Middle English fabour, from Middle French fauxbourg, alteration of forsbourg, from Old French forsborc, from fors outside + borc town — more at bourg