单词 | fancily |
释义 | fancy1 of 3verb fan·cy ˈfan(t)-sē fancied; fancying transitive verb 1 : to have a fancy (see fancy entry 2 sense 1) for : like He's all right, I suppose, but I can't say that I fancy him. 2 : to form a conception of : imagine fancy our embarrassment Just fancy my surprise when I heard that he was getting married. 3 a : to believe mistakenly or without evidence b : to believe without being certain she fancied she had met him before real or fancied wrongs 4 : to visualize or interpret as fancied myself a child again fancy 2 of 3noun plural fancies 1 a : a liking formed by caprice rather than reason : inclination took a fancy to the mutt b : amorous fondness : love She took a fancy to the young man. 2 a : notion, whim b : an image or representation of something formed in the mind 3 archaic : fantastic quality or state 4 a : imagination especially of a capricious or delusive sort His plans to build a new stadium are the product of pure fancy. b : the power of conception and representation used in artistic expression (as by a poet) 5 : taste, judgment a person of delicate fancy 6 a : devotees of some particular art, practice, or amusement b : the object of interest of such a fancy especially : boxing entry 1 fancy 3 of 3adjective fancier; fanciest 1 : dependent or based on fancy : whimsical 2 a(1) : not plain : ornamental a fancy hairdo (2) : swank sense 2, posh a fancy restaurant b(1) : of particular excellence or highest grade fancy tuna (2) : impressive posted some fancy numbers c of an animal or plant : bred especially for bizarre or ornamental qualities that lack practical utility 3 : based on conceptions of the fancy fancy sketches 4 a : dealing in fancy goods b : extravagant paying fancy prices 5 : executed with technical skill and style fancy footwork fancy diving 6 : parti-color fancy carnations fancily ˈfan(t)-sə-lē adverb fanciness ˈfan(t)-sē-nəs noun fancily adverb1 as in finely Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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2 as in ornately Synonyms & Similar Words
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