

单词 leech


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noun (1)

ˈlēch How to pronounce leech (audio)
plural leeches
[from its former use by physicians for bleeding patients] : any of numerous carnivorous or bloodsucking usually freshwater annelid worms (class Hirudinea) that have typically a flattened lanceolate segmented body with a sucker at each end
: a hanger-on who seeks advantage or gain
a celebrity surrounded by leeches who only want his money
archaic : physician, surgeon
ˈlēch-ˌlīk How to pronounce leech (audio)


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leeched; leeching; leeches

intransitive verb

: to attach oneself to a person as a leech
… she would leech on to him and drain the life out of him. W. L. Gresham

transitive verb

: to bleed by the use of leeches
: to drain the substance of : exhaust
… bankers who had always leeched them white. D. A. Munro


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noun (2)

ˈlēch How to pronounce leech (audio)
variants or less commonly leach
: either vertical edge of a square sail
: the after edge of a fore-and-aft sail


Noun (1)

  • bloodsucker
  • freeloader
  • free rider
  • hanger-on
  • moocher
  • parasite
  • sponge
  • sponger
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Word History


Noun (1) and Verb

Middle English leche, from Old English lǣce; akin to Old High German lāhhi physician

Noun (2)

Middle English leche; akin to Middle Low German līk boltrope

First Known Use

Noun (1)

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 3


1641, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

Noun (2)

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Kids Definition



ˈlēch How to pronounce leech (audio)
: a bloodsucking worm related to the earthworm
: a person who stays around other people and uses them for personal gain

Medical Definition

leech 1 of 2


ˈlēch How to pronounce leech (audio)
: any of numerous carnivorous or bloodsucking annelid worms that comprise the class Hirudinea, that typically have a flattened segmented lance-shaped body with well-marked external annulations, a sucker at each end, a mouth within the anterior sucker, and a large stomach with pouches of large capacity at the sides, that are hermaphroditic usually with direct development, and that occur chiefly in freshwater although a few are marine and some tropical forms are terrestrial see medicinal leech


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transitive verb

: to treat as a physician : cure, heal
: to bleed by the use of leeches

leech 1 of 2


as in parasite
a person who is supported by or seeks support from another without making an adequate return whenever the gang went out for pizza, the leech in the group always had an excuse for not paying his fair share

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • parasite
  • sponge
  • sponger
  • freeloader
  • moocher
  • bloodsucker
  • dependent
  • henchman
  • hanger-on
  • miser
  • free rider
  • idler
  • deadbeat
  • toady
  • sycophant
  • satellite
  • lackey
  • flunkey
  • cheapskate
  • niggard
  • flunkie
  • tightwad
  • scrooge
  • skinflint
  • piker
  • stooge
  • flunky
  • yes-man

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • benefactor
  • supporter
  • philanthropist


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as in to sponge

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • sponge
  • freeload
  • mooch
  • exploit
  • beg
  • use

Synonym Chooser

Some common synonyms of leech are parasite, sponge, sycophant, and toady. While all these words mean "a usually obsequious flatterer or self-seeker," leech stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage.

a leech living off his family and friends

The words parasite and leech are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, parasite applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence or is useless to society.

a jet-setter with an entourage of parasites

The synonyms sponge and leech are sometimes interchangeable, but sponge stresses the parasitic laziness, dependence, and opportunism of the cadger.

a shiftless sponge, always looking for a handout

The words sycophant and leech can be used in similar contexts, but sycophant adds to this a strong suggestion of fawning, flattery, or adulation.

a powerful prince surrounded by sycophants

In some situations, the words toady and leech are roughly equivalent. However, toady emphasizes the servility and snobbery of the self-seeker.

cultivated leaders of society and became their toady




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