单词 | fall |
释义 | fall1 of 3verb ˈfȯl fell ˈfel intransitive verb 1 a : to descend freely by the force of gravity An apple fell from the tree. b : to hang freely her hair falls over her shoulders c : to drop oneself to a lower position fell to his knees d : to come or go as if by falling darkness falls early in the winter 2 : to become born —usually used of lambs 3 a : to become lower in degree or level the temperature fell 10° b : to drop in pitch or volume their voices fell to a whisper c : issue sense 1a wisdom that fell from his lips d : to become lowered her eyes fell 4 a : to leave an erect position suddenly and involuntarily slipped and fell on the ice b : to enter as if unawares : stumble, stray fell into error We fell into a trap. c : to drop down wounded or dead especially : to die in battle Many men fell on the battlefield. d : to suffer military capture after a long siege the city fell e : to lose office the party fell from power f : to suffer ruin, defeat, or failure the deal fell through 5 : to commit an immoral act but man willfully misused his God-given freedom and fell into sin— especially : to lose one's chastity 6 a : to move or extend in a downward direction the land falls away to the east b : subside, abate the wind is falling c : to decline in quality, activity, or quantity production fell off d : to lose weight —used with off or away The cattle have fallen off badly in the drought. e : to assume a look of shame, disappointment, or dejection his face fell f : to decline in financial value or price stocks fell sharply 7 a : to occur at a certain time her birthday falls on a Monday this year b : to come by chance a job that fell into his hands c : to come or pass by lot, assignment, or inheritance : devolve it fell to him to break the news d : to have a certain or proper position, place, or station the accent falls on the second syllable 8 : to come within the limits, scope, or jurisdiction of something this word falls into the class of verbs 9 : to pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind or a new state or condition fall asleep fall in love 10 : to set about heartily or actively fell to work 11 : strike, impinge music falling on the ear transitive verb : fell sense 1 fall 2 of 3noun1 : the act of falling by the force of gravity 2 a : a falling out, off, or away : dropping the fall of leaves a fall of snow b : the season when leaves fall from trees : autumn c : a thing or quantity that falls or has fallen a fall of rock at the base of the cliff especially : one or more meteorites or their fragments that have fallen together d(1) : birth (2) : the quantity born —usually used of lambs 3 a : a costume decoration of lace or thin fabric arranged to hang loosely and gracefully b : a very wide turned-down collar worn in the 17th century c : the part of a turnover collar from the crease to the outer edge d : a wide front flap on trousers (such as those worn by sailors) e : the freely hanging lower edge of the skirt of a coat f : one of the three outer and often drooping segments of the flower of an iris compare standard sense 8b g : long hair overhanging the face of dogs of some breeds h : a usually long straight portion of hair that is attached to a person's own hair 4 : a hoisting-tackle rope or chain especially : the part of it to which the power is applied 5 a : loss of greatness : collapse the fall of the Roman Empire b : the surrender or capture of a besieged place the fall of Troy c : lapse or departure from innocence or goodness d : loss of a woman's chastity e : the blame for a failure or misdeed took the fall for the robbery 6 a : the downward slope (as of a hill) : declivity b : a precipitous descent of water : waterfall —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction c : a musical cadence d : a falling-pitch intonation in speech 7 : a decrease in size, quantity, degree, or value 8 a : the distance which something falls b : inclination, pitch 9 a : the act of felling something b : the quantity of trees cut down c(1) : an act of forcing a wrestler's shoulders to the mat for a specified time (such as one second) (2) : a bout of wrestling 10 Scotland : destiny, lot fall 3 of 3adjective : of, relating to, or suitable for autumn a new fall coat fall 1 of 2 verb1 as in to stumble to go down from an upright position suddenly and involuntarily better sand that walkway before somebody falls on the ice Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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2 as in to succumb to yield to the control or power of enemy forces the city fell after weeks of merciless bombardment Synonyms & Similar Words
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3 as in to tumble to go to a lower level especially abruptly word soon got out that the movie was no good, and box-office receipts fell like a rock Synonyms & Similar Words
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4 as in to decrease to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually manufacturing in the area is falling, and closing signs are going up all over Synonyms & Similar Words
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5 as in to descend to lead or extend downward the lake bottom falls sharply just a few feet from the shoreline, so be careful Synonyms & Similar Words
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6 as in to lose to undergo defeat not surprisingly, the novice player fell to a much stronger opponent Synonyms & Similar Words
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7 as in to wander to commit an offense even saints can fall Synonyms & Similar Words
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8 as in to die to stop living if their brave leader falls, the men will lose their courage Synonyms & Similar Words
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fall 2 of 2noun1 as in stumble the act of going down from an upright position suddenly and involuntarily a bad fall that resulted in several broken bones Synonyms & Similar Words
2 as in decline a change to a lower state or level last night's record fall in temperature was a sure sign that winter's coming, like it or not Synonyms & Similar Words
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3 as in down a loss of status being sent back to the minor leagues was quite a fall for the once-promising pitcher Synonyms & Similar Words
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4 as in drop the act or process of going to a lower level or altitude panicked during his first unassisted fall when his parachute's rip cord didn't respond to the first tug Synonyms & Similar Words
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5 as in decrease the amount by which something is lessened that year the fall in prices was 10 cents for a gallon of regular gas Synonyms & Similar Words
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6 as in waterfall usually falls plural a fall of water usually from a great height tourists were shocked to see a man jump into the water and go over the falls Synonyms & Similar Words
7 as in dip a downward slope the sharp fall of the land sends rivers rushing to the seas Synonyms & Similar Words
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