Recent Examples on the WebLed by Chavez, who founded the UFW along with Dolores Huerta, farmworkers were trying to draw attention to the exploitive conditions in the fields and the campaign to organize workers. Jessica Garrison, Los Angeles Times, 20 Aug. 2022 Filled with devastating detail, the document described an inherently inequitable and exploitive program, not only in terms of pay and treatment but also access.New York Times, 6 July 2022 The challenge is to show consideration and support to the African American community while avoiding exploitive practices deemed opportunistic or even insensitive. Isaac Mizrahi, Forbes, 7 June 2022 Productions were taken advantage of by exploitive pricing by some labs. Selome Hailu, Variety, 29 Oct. 2021 There are effective, proven strategies that governments can proactively adopt to protect kids from the dangers of tobacco products and the exploitive tactics used by tobacco companies -- but countries are moving far too slowly to adopt them. Kelly Henning, CNN, 21 July 2021 All summer and fall, a crop of corn and a stand of sunflowers will crowd onto the lawn, adding layers to a stark work that has split visitors — exploitive or homage? — for, 21 May 2021 Those regimes are ugly, exploitive, winner-takes-all, Darwinian forms of government. Peter Georgescu, Forbes, 19 Apr. 2021 Yet also heartless, deeply amoral, selfish, exploitive, cold. Pamela N. Danziger, Forbes, 28 Feb. 2021 See More