Recent Examples on the WebTransfer the kasha to a 3-quart baking dish and pour 1/2 cup of chicken stock or water on top.Washington Post, 17 Sep. 2021 Toasting the kasha in a skillet and then baking it in a casserole dish yields a much more flavorful and fluffy grain.Washington Post, 22 Oct. 2020 Take the kasha, a demon from hell that feasts on corpses. Zack Davisson, Smithsonian Magazine, 11 Sep. 2020 Meanwhile, many Americans assumed Jewish cuisine to be limited to traditional dishes such as kugel and kasha varnishkes. Emily Langer, Washington Post, 6 Sep. 2019 Each will prepare a specialty, like Red Farm’s pastrami egg rolls and Ms. Harwood-Lehman’s kasha varnishkes, to share with the audience.New York Times, 30 Oct. 2017 Sprinkle the fried kasha, sesame seeds, and aonori over the cabbage so that each bite has some of the garnish. Madeleine Luckel, Vogue, 5 Oct. 2017 Add the kasha and cook until the kernels have browned. Madeleine Luckel, Vogue, 5 Oct. 2017 Dear Diary: Lined up in rows Folded in thin papery wrapPotato, kasha, or cherry cheeseMrs. Stahl’s knishes. Rhoda Elison Hirsch, New York Times, 17 Apr. 2017 See More