: abnormally elevated blood pressure especially of the arteries
also: hypertension
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebDuring the separation, J.M. developed severe chest pains and breathing problems and, after the separation, his mother, M.S.E., developed diabetes and high blood pressure, the lawsuit says. José Ignacio Castañeda Perez, The Arizona Republic, 29 July 2022 Everything from diabetes, high blood pressure, some types of cancer, kidney disease. Taylor Wilson, USA TODAY, 27 July 2022 But the defense has argued that Chauvin did what he was trained to do and blame Floyd's drug use, heart disease, high blood pressure and adrenaline. Stephen Groves, Star Tribune, 2 Apr. 2021 According to the Mayo Clinic, regularly eating omega-3s can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and high blood pressure. Melissa Matthews, Men's Health, 24 Aug. 2022 The defense argued that Mr. Floyd’s heart disease, high blood pressure and other health conditions, as well as his use of methamphetamine and fentanyl, contributed to his death.New York Times, 20 Apr. 2021 With the donation, 4,000 people got food, 15,000 got medications for conditions like high blood pressure, heart problems and asthma. Cameron Knight, The Enquirer, 9 Aug. 2022 Research also found that regular napping was associated with a 10 percent higher risk of high blood pressure compared to those who reported never napping after the age of 60. Aley Arion, Essence, 29 July 2022 The animal was also suffering from high blood pressure. Juliana Perri, PEOPLE.com, 21 July 2022 See More