Recent Examples on the WebThere’s a photo in the book of hikers making the trek to Charles Island, which can be reached along a thin strip of land at low tide. Christopher Arnott, Hartford Courant, 7 Sep. 2022 At low tide, the causeway stretches ahead like a normal roadway set well back from the waves, but, twice a day, the tarmac disappears rapidly under a solid sheet of water. Stephen Castle,, 27 Aug. 2022 Police began investigating the case last Friday after the sea turtles were found during low tide, according to a police official from the Naha Police Station in Okinawa. Jessie Yeung, CNN, 18 July 2022 Search and recovery efforts were unsuccessful Friday evening and are expected to resume at low tide Saturday.Anchorage Daily News, 30 July 2022 Most of the work would be done at low tide to reach more of the rocks and the beach. Phil Diehl, San Diego Union-Tribune, 17 July 2022 Its 51 Water Retreats range from a one-bedroom with no slide (due to low tide) to a four-bedroom palace perched over the crystalline waters of the Indian Ocean. Katie Lockhart, CNN, 11 July 2022 Sears also would have included a detailed description of the coral reefs ringing Tarawa and noted how the combination of an obstructing reef and a dangerously low tide portended disaster. Tarawa shook up the priorities for the team’s JANIS studies. Catherine Musemeche, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 July 2022 This three-mile stretch is protected by a barrier reef that lies offshore, which is visible at extreme low tide, and provides a buffer from the big waves of the Atlantic. Brittany Bowker,, 23 June 2022 See More